Last Updated on February 5, 2021 by Avia
Zodiac Symbols For Scorpio
Exploring Zodiac Symbols for Scorpio: Extreme, powerful, elusive…Scorpio’s are in the zodiac to keep us all scratching our heads saying “huh?” To be sure, Scorpio’s can be hard to cipher. But that’s okay. They’re absolutely worth the time we take to crack their complicated codes. Learning Scorpio zodiac symbols is a great start to decoding this mysterious sun-sign.
For starters, we can contemplate Scorpio’s governing color for meaning. Bright reds are the colors for Scorpio. This hue is symbolic of intensity, passion, assertion. Blood red is a keen alignment to Scorpio’s deep sense of self, and their understanding of the undercurrents that make life flow. Red is also the color of the root chakra, which is symbolic of action, physicality, sex and base nature of the self. Red is a core color for prime need and function.
Similarly, Scorpio’s have a wicked-sharp understanding of what’s at the core of life. They innately understand what makes things tick, and they have a remarkable way of turning over stones to animate anything that was once stagnating. To find out more about the color red among Scorpio’s zodiac symbols, take a look at zodiac signs and color meanings here.
Scorpio’s governing planet is Pluto (err, well, in astronomy it’s not a planet, but in astrology – it still counts :). Pluto is that farthest, most isolated, cold, bold body waaaay out there in our solar system. It spins out there in the realm of ‘far-out’…sometimes Scorpio’s do too.

“Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been.”
~Alan Alda

Native American Plains’ tribes attributed the return of the sun (inception of spring) with the red robin too. Indeed, many Native American beliefs attributed solar symbolic meaning to the red robin because its rosy red chest is symbolic of the dawning sun. Also, its bright yellow beak is symbolic of sun rays lighting the earth with hope. Omaha tribes believed the sun rose and set on the wings of the robin.
The robin’s bright yellow beak is also symbolic of sun rays to the Native American. Native Americans attributed their beak color with being mindful of the spoken word. The robin was a sign to only present the highest truth when speaking.
Further, Iroquois and Shoshone tribe lore indicated the white ring around the red robin’s eye was symbolic of prophetic vision, clarity, and great wisdom. The robin would be called upon during ceremonies when clear understanding was needed, and quality judgments needed to be made.
Scorpio Zodiac Symbols and Sign Meanings

The Prime Zodiac Symbol for Scorpio
Stinger glyph: At face value, we can see the stinger of the scorpion (Scorpio’s animal symbol) in this glyph. The stinger, or arrow points upward, which is symbolic of Scorpio’s ability to aim ever higher in their ideals and goals. The arches are symbolic of reproductive organs, which Scorpio rules. This isn’t necessarily a direct nod to sex. It actually has more to do with Scorpio’s succinct understanding of urge, desire and need. Scorpio’s are driven to create, reproduce and express. This kind of reproduction comes in many forms…from creative thought, to dreams, emotion or enterprise.

Elemental Zodiac Symbol for Scorpio
Water: Scorpio’s are submerged in the energy of water. What does that mean? It means they are linked to the symbolic potential of water which includes stuff like: Healing, regeneration, emotion, dreams, intuition and more. Some of our most powerful healers in the world are Scorpio’s. They seem to have a superhuman knowledge of how life works, and what can be done to enhance it. Perhaps that’s because many Scorpio’s know the flip side of life too. They understand the inner-workings of both life and death intimately, which makes them superior helpers and healers. Water has some interesting aspects that are married to the Scorpio persona. It takes on the form in which it is held. It also takes the path of least resistance. Scorpio’s tend to behave the same. Consider a glass of water. It takes the shape of the glass. Consider some of your Scorpio friends. Sometimes they can be chameleons – easily fitting into any environment. Like Scorpio’s, water takes on many forms: Steam, solid, gas, liquid. Scorpio’s can effortlessly shift themselves into an array of different personalities appropriate for their needs/environments. Same goes with their paths. Often, a Scorpio will pick the path of least resistance in order to get their needs met.

Flowers as Zodiac Symbols for Scorpio
Chrysanthemum: This lovely flower does best in cooler temperatures. In a way, Scorpio does too. Sometimes, a Scorpio might don a chilly demeanor. This offers them a certain freedom to scope out their environment, gain understanding, while that cool exterior protects their emanate internal budding. Chrysanthemum blossoms open in a staggering range of layers. Petal upon petal, these flowers unfold their beauty in complex layers. So too does Scorpio. Just when you discover a delightful level to Scorpio, another unfolds, then another and another. This is just one among the many joys at peeling back Scorpio’s layers. They are full of beautiful mystery unfolding in perfect time and with staggering elegance. Check out more flowers as zodiac symbols for Scorpio here.

Stones as Zodiac Symbols for Scorpio
Onyx: A powerful stone, onyx is symbolic of self-discipline, vision and conservation of energy. Scorpio’s are encouraged to wear onyx when they need to balance their emotions with thought and action. This stone also helps to augment psychic vision for Scorpio’s. As a stone that boosts self-control, onyx will afford stability and focus when Scorpio needs it.
Onyx is also an intensely absorbent stone. Often, Scorpio’s tend to cling to a lot of energy. Sometimes that energy isn’t so healthy. Bad feelings, tormenting secrets, grudges or hidden agendas tend to doggedly stick to Scorpio’s. Onyx is a brilliant tool for Scorpio’s, because it tends to absorb these sticky icky’s – allowing Scorpio relief from the unsavory burdens they often carry around. Check out more gemstones as zodiac symbols for Scorpio here.

Overarching Zodiac Symbols for Scorpio
Scorpion: I lived in Texas for a good long while. I have to admit…my first encounter with a scorpion freaked me out a little. With a little contemplation and soul-searching, I realized my discomfort with this amazing creature was due to my misunderstanding of it. And so it goes with Scorpio. Too often, Scorpio’s are misunderstood and therefore mistreated, judged or feared. I urge everyone to not make the mistake of underestimating or misunderstanding the Scorpio (or scorpion, for that matter). Rather, take the time to understand where the Scorpio comes from. Why do they do what they do? Why do they act as they do? Given the time and thought to understand their nuances, I think you’ll find a new appreciation for these dynamic people.
Scorpions tend to be loners, as Scorpio’s do too. They prefer their own company over those of others, and are quite okay with solitude. Like the insect, Scorpio’s can be shifty. Not in a bad way. Many scorpions take on the color and texture of their environment to protect them from predators. They also have hard exoskeletons – another protective measure. And if those subtle elements don’t work…there is always that wicked stinger! The correlation here? If a Scorpio wants to be alone – leave them alone. Also, Scorpio’s have a divine design for self-preservation. Keep that in mind before you challenge them. For more symbolic meaning of the Scorpion, click here.
I hope this page on zodiac symbols for Scorpio has offered you some insight into this uber-awesome sun-sign. To be sure, Scorpio is an endless source of intrigue and fascination. If you’re a Scorpio, embrace your wonderful uniqueness. If you’re not, take the time to walk a mile in this sign’s footsteps. It’s important to understand this personality, and a severe injustice to misjudge Scorpio.
I’ve written more about symbolic details concerning astrology. Be sure to check out the links below for all kinds of goodies on zodiac symbols and meanings.
Thanks for reading about the fascinating realm of zodiac symbols for Scorpio.
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More Zodiac Signs And Meanings
Have fun with the zodiac signs and meanings below listed. Use them as a basic guide to help you understand the various personalities of the people in your life. But please, this is only a guide – I encourage you to study further and continue to gather your own knowledge on the fascinating subject of astrology. Learn more about zodiac signs and symbol meanings here.

Zodiac Sign Dates
Please enjoy this chart for zodiac sign dates, symbols and meanings. Each sign has unique elements that influence that sign. For example, Aries is governed by fire and the planet Mars – whereas Aquarius is governed by the element of air, and is ruled by the planet Uranus. Find out more about zodiac sign dates and influences here.