Last Updated on October 25, 2024 by Avia
Exploring Zodiac Symbols for Cancer: {Please note: The symbol for Cancer can be either a crab or a lobster} Tender, loving, loyal Cancer – where would we be without you? We’d be without the finesse you execute in sensing what is needed in the moment. We’d be without a deep streak of sympathy and compassion. We’d be without vital memory-keepers in the world.
To be sure, Cancer is a integral part of society. Your zodiac symbols reflect a deep influence upon others and the world.
Your ruler is the Moon, and as such, you are involved with affecting the ebb and flow of emotional waters around you. It’s a big job, but as a healthy, whole Cancerian, you are up to the task of managing emotional drips and/or flooding.
Every sign has its flip-side. Cancer’s, you can be the shoulder everybody cries on – the one who soothes away the wrinkles in the fabric of life. But your element is water – which can be unpredictable. Combine the sometimes erratic nature of water with your ruling Moon – we sometimes get a cocktail of variables. One day you are the gracious healer, the next, a hermit concerned with only your own challenges.

“Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion you want.”
~ Demi Lovato

Among your zodiac symbols are the colors teal (blue-green) and silver. These colors hint to your ability for healing (green), intuition (blue), receptivity and keen intuition (silver).
There’s a lot to learn about Cancer. To be sure, you’re not an easy shell to crack. Exploring Cancer’s zodiac symbols is a great way to understand and come closer to Cancer’s elusive, yet enchanting ways.
Please keep in mind, these zodiac symbols are linked to Cancer’s sun-sign. It’s a great idea to familiarize ourselves with other signs cycling through our charts. If you want to get all your astrological sign information, go to to cast your chart and go over all your lovely astro-facets.
So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the key zodiac symbols for the sign of Cancer.
Cancer Zodiac Symbols and Sign Meanings

The Prime Zodiac Symbol for Cancer
Crab glyph: This is the symbol for Cancer. Please also know the symbol for Cancer is sometimes shown as the lobster. Visually, it’s easy to pick out the resemblance to the crab. This glyph represents two crab claws, always grabbing for more. Interesting thing about crab claws…they don’t let go easily, and neither does Cancer. Once a Cancerian has clamped on an idea, a goal or belief (whether good or bad) it’s the dickens trying to pry that out of their grasp. I’ll talk more about crab-Cancer connections later in this post.
Other than the obvious representation of the crab, there are a few other ways we might interpret this glyph. Namely, the two circles, which represent earth and sun. The two arches around the circles represent crescent moons. Bring all these elements together, and we have an illustration of balance, which is what healthy Cancerians strive for. When harmony is found within (symbolized by the sun, earth and moon in the glyph), then order is an absolute reflection from without. Meaning, once Cancer manages homeostasis in their personal/internal life, then their external environment will see the same equilibrium.
This symbol for Cancer is also reminiscent of the lemniscate (also known as the infinity symbol, or the mobius strip). It’s that figure eight flipped on its side. This symbol holds big potential lessons for Cancer. Too often, many Cancers will try to hold onto something when it’s clear the time to let go is long overdue. The concept of the infinity symbol encourages fluidity. It reminds us to let our energy loose and flowing so that we don’t get stagnated or stuck – a good thing for Cancer’s to remember.

Elemental Zodiac Symbol for Cancer
Water: As mentioned, Cancer is intimately linked with water, and all their energies. This lends a morphing quality to Cancer’s personality. How so? Consider water. It takes the form of its vessel. Water can also change states (liquid, steam, solid). Cancer has this transformative potential too. This sun-sign can adapt to their situations and environments quite well. This morphing skill is extra evident when Cancer senses trouble or discomfort in their loved ones. A Cancer will shift their entire demeanor to insure everyone around them is happy and taken care of.
Along this same line, water is historically symbolic of healing, and Cancer’s are natural healers in the zodiac. Water makes things clean. Cancers will use their powers of compassion and intuition to wash away the grime life dishes out.

Flowers as Zodiac Symbols for Cancer
Acanthus: The symbolic meaning of Acanthus deals with immortality (Mediterranean mythology) and healing (Greek). It’s also strongly connected with themes of beauty and vitality. Like this plant, given the right elements and environment, Cancer has the gift of expressing beauty and healing too. The Acanthus is a hardy plant, and tends to survive harsh conditions. It’s also highly adaptable, originating in the Mediterranean but now seen all over the world, including North America. This is a metaphor for Cancer. As a Cancer sun-sign, you might not be fond of trying new things or being in new places. Nonetheless, you show the true grit of the Acanthus by bravely growing in unfamiliar soil. When you set your mind to plant roots in a new direction, you tend to blossom brilliantly. Check out more flowers as zodiac symbols for Cancer here.

Stones as Zodiac Symbols for Cancer
Pearls: It comes as no surprise that this lustrous birthstone is attributed to Cancer. Why? Because the pearl is the product of the water – an element closely linked with Cancer. Pearls are formed from irritants or debris within an oyster shell. This is highly symbolic for Cancerians. Cancer’s don’t like conflict (who does!?), but when it comes, it brings big opportunity to create beauty. Cancer’s often learn their greatest lessons from the irritants in their lives. A whole, healthy Cancer will typically come out of a challenging ordeal with a renewed sense of self. Indeed, they often come out of murky, emotional waters with a luminescent brilliance. It’s as if the stuff that has irritated them for so long actually makes them better people. We all have the chance to be better people through dealing with difficulty, but this is especially true for Cancers. So embrace those nagging irritants, Cancer, and produce pearls from them! Check out more gemstones as zodiac symbols for Cancer here.

Overarching Zodiac Symbols for Cancer
Crab And/Or Lobster: These creatures are incredibly resourceful, just like Cancerians. They are in touch with the fluid motion of their watery environment – just like Cancer. And just like Cancer, they are ruled by the moon. Crabs are extremely sensitive too. They can detect threat in an instant, and Cancer has this capability too. In a Cancer sun-sign, this hyper-sensitivity to danger might lead to an innate sense of distrust in others. Nevertheless, crabs/lobsters (and Cancerians) are incredibly curious. Even if there is a potential threat, crabs and Cancers might just dive into a mystery to slake their curiosity. Learn more about Cancer connection with this animal and more about crab symbolism here. I hope this article on zodiac symbols for Cancer has given you better insight into this amazing sun-sign. Cancer is a complex, intriguing sign. If you’re a Cancer, be proud of your dynamic diversity. If you’re not, you should get to know the beauty and sensitivity inherent in the Cancer sign.
I’ve written loads more about various awesomeness concerning astrology. Be sure to check out the links below for all kinds of goodies on zodiac symbols and meanings.
Thanks for reading about the fascinating realm of zodiac symbols for Cancer.
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More Zodiac Signs And Meanings
Have fun with the zodiac signs and meanings below listed. Use them as a basic guide to help you understand the various personalities of the people in your life. But please, this is only a guide – I encourage you to study further and continue to gather your own knowledge on the fascinating subject of astrology. Learn more about zodiac signs and symbol meanings here.

Zodiac Sign Dates
Please enjoy this chart for zodiac sign dates, symbols and meanings. Each sign has unique elements that influence that sign. For example, Aries is governed by fire and the planet Mars – whereas Aquarius is governed by the element of air, and is ruled by the planet Uranus. Find out more about zodiac sign dates and influences here.