Last Updated on April 17, 2023 by Avia
Intro Page for Zodiac Symbols and Zodiac Signs
This article gives a brief summary of all 12 zodiac symbols and zodiac signs. A slight description is offered about each sign, followed with a link so you can gain more information about your sign. This is a landing page that offers links to tons more information about astrology meanings and signs.
Oh, those dazzling zodiac signs spinning through the constellations of our lives. Mesmerizing, and charming. Sometimes our zodiac signs can be scary, but their meanings are always powerful.
Our zodiac symbols and signs offer us a peek into the diversity of human character and personality. However, there are some who don’t subscribe to the art of astrology. Some folks deem the attributes of the zodiac as hooey.
I don’t have much to say to the skeptics…Except this: Spend a year in the study of the stars as they relate to astrology, then get back to me with your observations. In fact, I told a true-blue skeptic friend of mine to do just that. He did. His reaction? He was converted! Yep. After a year of studying astrology, the zodiac signs and their meanings, houses, planets, etc…he came back to me a full convert to the art of astrology.
Now, I’m a pragmatist. If I see the value, and can make sense of it as it applies to my life or circumstances – then I run with it. If I can’t see the meaning or application – then I set it aside to ponder further. Not everybody will take this approach to astrology, but I do recommend some prudence. I apply astrology to my life and my work…but it isn’t the end-all-be-all. It’s not the final word that makes me take action or make decisions.

“The heavens had a dream. That dream is you.”
Astrology is a robust, remarkable tool. We can employ astrology for so much in our lives. For example:
Ways to Utilize Astrology for Life Enhancement
- Learn more about people in our lives.
- Explore how the planets influence our lives.
- Change our impressions about people and situations.
- Learn about ancient mythology steeped in the stars.
- Learn more about how the cosmos influences our world.
- Investigate times and places that might be beneficial for us.
- Understand why we’re having trouble loving others or ourselves.
At least, these are some of the areas of life astrology has helped me. To be sure, the study of the heavens and its influence upon us is a great way to enrich our lives.
So with that precept in mind, I’ve written a series of articles about the meaning of zodiac symbols associated with each of the 12 zodiac signs.

Whether you’re just astro-curious, or an avid authority on the subject, I hope you find these pages add to your appreciation for the art of astrology.
Below listed are articles on zodiac symbols pertaining to each sign. Simply click on the sign/icon you want to learn about! Oh, please bear in mind, these pages are written for sun-sign zodiac personality traits (as opposed to moon signs, which convey different personalty traits). Enjoy!
Links to Your Zodiac Signs and Meaningful Zodiac Symbols

Aries: Mar 21-Apr 19
From fire to the honeysuckle flower, Aries zodiac symbols say a lot about your personality. Check this article for great insight into Aries symbols.

Taurus: Apr 20-May 20
Bold, strong and beautiful, Taurus zodiac symbols give great reflection to your personality. Check this article for great insight into Taurus symbols.

Gemini: May 21-Jun 20
Gemini is such a diverse sign – it’s no wonder Gemini’s zodiac symbols are equally diverse. Explore more about Gemini via this sign’s symbols.

Cancer: June 21-Jul 22
Complex, elusive, intuitive. There’s a lot to learn about Cancer, and exploring Cancer’s zodiac symbols is a great way to start.

Leo: Jul 23-Aug 22
Charismatic, opinionated and creative. That’s a cocktail for a radiant Leo sun-sign personality. Learn about the bold and the beautiful Leo sign by exploring zodiac symbols for Leo.

Virgo: Aug 23-Sept 22
Compassionate, caring, nurturing and extraordinarily tender-hearted…Get the inside look at Virgo personality by learning zodiac symbols for Virgo.

Libra: Sept 23-Oct 22
Charming, harmonious and filled to the brim with energy. Libra’s have a lot going for them. Get the inside look at Libra personality by learning zodiac symbols for Libra.

Scorpio: Oct 23-Nov 21
Extreme, powerful, elusive…Scorpio’s can be hard to crack. Open up to their mysteries by exploring the zodiac symbols for Scorpio.

Sagittarius: Nov 22-Dec 21
Inspired, wandering, optimistic Sagittarius…Tapping into Sagittarius’ zodiac symbols goes a long way to figuring out what this sun-sign is all about!

Capricorn: Dec 22-Jan 19
Solid, resolute often reserved – but there’s a lot more under the surface of Capricorn. Learn about zodiac symbols for Capricorn to see beneath their surface.

Aquarius: Jan 20-Feb 18
Original, unique and savvy – There’s a lot to learn from Aquarius, and learning about this sun-sign’s zodiac symbols is a great start!

Pisces: Feb 19-Mar 20
Soulful, mysterious, insightful Pisces…You bring a level of depth to the zodiac. Learn more about this sign via Pisces zodiac symbols and zodiac sign meanings.
It’s my sincerest hope these pages have heightened your interest in the endless realm of astrology. Further, I trust this information will encourage you to learn more about each of these sun-signs. What I’ve written is just the tip of the iceberg! What’s more, my information comes from my education and experience with zodiac signs. You may find different ways of interpreting the signs, and that’s a-okay. Astrology is vast and flexible enough to allow many different views.
As always, thanks so much for reading.
Happy astro-exploration!
Mighty brightly,

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