Last Updated on November 21, 2024 by Avia
Well, you know me…I can’t shut up about the glory of trees. They give life in so many ways. Trees are purifiers of our air and water. Some trees are 5-star hotels in Nature, accommodating a throng of shelter-seeking creatures. In my work with cultural symbolism, I can’t tell you how often tree wisdom is a factor as an essential model for the art of living life with nobility and grace. Read on for more insights about tree wisdom, and how by learning from them, we can be better humans (no joke).

Why Groves are Groovy & Trees Rock
Long before the very first church was ever built, our ancient ancestors experienced spiritual connection among roots and branches of trees. There is an overwhelming body of evidence that shows indigenous, ancient people considered trees to be remarkably powerful and spiritual figures in our world.
Ultimately, tree wisdom is all about the profound illustration of a life lived with dignity, strength, and grace. We are blessed to observe trees because they are stoic in the face of constant change….that’s big tree wisdom, and something we could all learn to do when things are constantly changing (sometimes not for the good). They endeavor to persevere in extreme environments. Furthermore, trees rely on themselves for comfort and nurturing…we could all use reminding about how to go within for our greatest source of power and renewal.
I think what I love most about trees is that they are both grounded and high-in-the-sky at the same time. In short, they are marvelous mentors. Trees teach us how to be balanced, how to be patient, how to grow, how to thrive.
“The best church I ever visited
was a grove of trees.”

Tree Wisdom in Early Cultures
In many early cultures, trees were considered to be memory-keepers. It was believed trees could absorb the energy of the tribal people as they passed on from this world into the next (so-called death). This allowed our ancestors to ‘tap’ into trees and access their loved ones on the spirit side of life This is because trees retained a piece of the soul of humans once they transitioned into non-physical.
Trees were also commonly considered to be an illustration of the cycle of life among pre-industrial people. The process of seeds branching out into the world, while we are rooted within a strong foundation is a lovely metaphor for a life well-lived. Then add the transition of trees through the seasons, (from green to fire-colored falling of leaves)…trees are symbols as the perfect example of transience, evolution, and growth.
Lessons from Tree Wisdom
Aside from stoically serving as a shelter in a storm, or generously sharing shade on a blistering hot day, trees have big lessons they shower upon us. Here are a few summaries about tree wisdom, and the teachings they unselfishly share every day.
If you think about it, trees are legendary just by their mere existence. As mentioned, they are sentinels to the passing of time and organic vessels for the history of life. Open them up, and observe the rings of feast, famine, joys, and sorrows. Trees hold memories, secrets, and ancestral wisdom. We can connect to trees and do the same. As you wander beneath a willow, ponder your roots, consider all the memories and history within you. Then, be a legacy. Grow tall in your heritage. Preserve the value of living on this earth….and share that value with others, just as our arboreal friends share tree wisdom with us in so many ways.
One tiny little seed (like an acorn) can lead to extraordinary results. Consider the oak, which from a wee acorn can grow up to 100 feet tall!! Never underestimate a teeny weenie seed. Whether a seed of thought, dream, or tiny seeds of actions…those babies can become mammoth, given the right nurturing!
Even the most solitary trees rely upon the sun. The sun’s light is crucial to their livelihood. It’s a good lesson. No matter how fiercely independent we are…there will always be a time when we need a little outside help to get us growing and going again. It’s all about cooperation and balance.
Speaking of balance, trees are experts at maintaining homeostasis, which is just a fancy word that means being stable and having equilibrium in life. I absolutely adore how trees are rooted in the ground, yet branching out into the skies. It is such a perfect and fitting picture of what a well-rounded life looks like. Reach for the sky, but always keep to your roots. Love it.

Last Word on Tree Wisdom
When it comes to tree wisdom and early worship of trees, I think in these terms…
Whatsoever is beautiful, pure, giving, kind…that’s the stuff most peace-seeking religions tout. A whole bunch of other cultures/believers (myself included) think trees are the perfect place to start when accessing such serene, spiritual beatitudes.
As always, thanks for reading.
Arboreal blessings,
Mighty brightly,

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