Last Updated on May 22, 2024 by Avia
Thoughts About Creating a Vision Board
Creating a vision board (also known as a dream board) is a potent way to coax your dreams and goals into reality. It’s hardly a new practice. Famous folks like Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra have popularized the idea of using visualization to manifest our desires. This technique a tangible expression of the law of attraction because it reinforces positive intentions and visualizations that, in time, become our reality.
Nowadays, photo editing software empowers individuals to personalize their vision boards with stunning visuals, adding another layer of creativity and intention to the manifestation process.
Vision boards effectively work because they utilize visualization – a powerful tool in manifesting our dreams. In fact, creating a vision board can galvanize our intentions to such a degree, that seeing our dreams into reality becomes a fluid and natural process with the incorporation of this tool.
What’s more, you don’t have to be ultra-creative, or need a ton of materials to create a vision board. There are a gazillion ways to put your intentions and goals into a visual format. You can paint, draw, or cut out images from magazines on poster boards. Or, you could even use Best Custom Writing to create a PowerPoint presentation of your ideas, thoughts, and images for an ultimate, high-tech vision board.

“It’s our intention. Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention.”
~ Jim Carrey
My Personal Experience with Vision Boards
I’ve used vision boards. I made it on my 30th birthday. My co-workers at the time got me one of those giant birthday cards. I used the back of this big birthday card to make my first dream board. I thought it was appropriate and symbolic to use the card for a milestone birthday to make a map of my aspirations and dreams for the future.
Not to date myself, but I made this back when there was no such thing as Smartphones, iPhones, or tablets (gasp! I know.) So, I used good old-fashioned scissors and glue to create my vision board. This ‘old school’ method gets the job done and is still effective. Start by clipping out pictures (from magazines, photos, etc) that spark your joy and align you with your desires. Then paste these pictures onto a poster board to create a dream collage. When finished, post it somewhere prominent, (like ‘in your face’) so you can see it often. Every time we cast our eyes upon this collage, you concretize the reality of our dreams…essentially bringing our desires into the firmament (bringing thought into matter).
You can also paste them into a special vision journal or book if you prefer. Simply take this journal out and meditate upon the images daily. Either way, I can tell you from personal experience, this technique works wonders in actualizing dreams into reality. So what happened with my board? Well, it took time and a lot of hard work, but all my dreams (except one) came true. This brings me to a friendly public service announcement…

A Note About Manifesting and Dream Boards
I hate to be the devil’s advocate, but manifesting your dreams into reality isn’t as simple as slapping some pictures on a wall and wishing everything manifests. As I mentioned…it took 10 years and a herculean amount of effort for my visions to materialize. In fact, this website was on my board. I wanted to be successful, helpful to others, and a prominent, authoritative website on the internet. I can say that while many dreams for the website have transpired, I worked hard and still work my butt off on this site…and I still have to occasionally raid my coin jar to pay for groceries. In other words, I’m still visualizing better goals and achievements for WYS. It’s a work in progress!
So take my experience as a cautionary tale. Wishing is great, but action is greater! In fact, the efficacy of vision boards has been slandered by some. According to Psychology Today, visualization techniques can help organize and prioritize goals/dreams. However, total reliance upon a vision board may lead to counter-productivity. Some case studies showed that subjects who relied 100% on visualization in order to accomplish a task were more likely to fail than the subjects who applied themselves by taking action coupled with positive visualization. Consequently, some experts propose that instead of using the term ‘dream board’ a better phrase for this manifestation too might be, ‘action board.’
Mastering the art of manifestation is a mix of visualizing, positive affirmations, self-belief, and a LOT of hard work to make your dreams come true. It also takes time. You know that famous saying, “It took her 15 years to become an overnight success.” Maybe it won’t take so long for you to attain an ideal partnership or have a successful business. But one thing is for sure…if you’re just wishing and visualizing without putting in any effort towards attaining your desires, then the likelihood of manifestation decreases significantly.

Vision Boarding in the 21st Century and Techie Tips to Creating a Vision Board
If old-school vision boarding isn’t your thing, then put away the Elmer’s glue and pull out your iPad or tablet. Nowadays with a ton of tech at our fingertips, we can modernize the process of creating a vision board. Instead of cutting and pasting photos or magazine images onto poster board, surf the internet (Google image search is great for this) and collect images related to your dreams. Note: only use images for personal use – otherwise you could be infringing on copyrights.
For example, if you’re dreaming of wealth, collect Internet images that ignite a feeling of luxury, security, richness, and abundance to you. Save these images to your hard drive in a specially labeled file created exclusively for your “techno vision board” project. Go through your own digital images too. If you are wanting easier relationships and more time with family, collect personal photographs that remind you of happier times and easy communication with friends/family.
When you’ve accumulated all your joyful, positive images into one file, begin the process of creating a vision board for the techno age by assigning your images as a slideshow screensaver on your computer. You can do this on your (PC) by going to the Control Panel, select “Personalize”, search “Screen Saver”, select “Photos”, click “Settings” and follow the prompts to select your images (from the vision board file folder on your computer) to create a personalized, cosmic order vision board screen saver. Sorry, I don’t know how to do this on a Mac…but you can Google how! Remember, I did mine when dinosaurs roamed the earth, lol.
Thanks to modern technology you can take your vision board with you. Simply email the vision board you made on your computer to yourself and download it from your smartphone or on your tablet. You probably know better ways to get your board on these devices. I’m not a total noob because I know you can load (or collect) images on smartphones or tablets just as easily as a computer. And not to sound precious, but ‘there’s an app for that’ – meaning you can get an app to shuffle your vision board images on your device screen. Even better…do this while listening to uplifting music. This can really boost your ‘getting into the groove’ mojo and assist in the manifestation process.
Final Thoughts About Creating a Vision Board (Techie or Not)
Whether you prefer old-school glue sticks to create your vision board, or would rather go tech, this manifestation technique can be extremely effective. Just bear in mind it takes a lot of factors for dreams to materialize in life. At the very least, creating a vision board can organize and solidify the things you deserve in your life and that is a great affirmation of your self-worth as well as a great focus tool for your goals. However you do your manifesting, I wish you every success in your efforts!
Mighty brightly,

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