Last Updated on October 29, 2024 by Avia
Being creative has gotten me through some of the lowest points in my life. It’s not that I’m naturally creative or compelled to create – it’s just a therapy that’s always been in my emotional toolbox. It’s helped me cope, heal, and release anxiety. I wonder if this might be true for you too? Or, maybe your going through a tight spot, and creativity might serve as some kind of relief for you. In either case, I hope you might read further on these tips on how to be more creative. I’ve used these tips for myself and shared them with others, and they’ve rendered marvelous (and sometimes surprising results).
Table of Contents
- Benefits of Being More Creative
- Unlock Your Creativity – Unlock Your Power
- Quickie Tippies on How to Be More Creative (in case you don’t want to read the whole article – which you should – but hey, I know you might be busy)
- If You’ve Ever Said, “I Don’t Have a Creative Bone in My Body!” That’s a Myth!
- Give Yourself Permission to Be Creative (and surrender control)
- Love What You Create (no matter what)
- Don’t Try to Emulate Others
- Allow Yourself to Create Whatever Floats Your Boat
- Let Your Left Brain Play Nice With Your Right Brain (balancing your creative brain with your analytical brain)
- Explore Different Mediums of Creativity
- Approach Creativity Like a “Long-Lost Friend”
- Don’t Listen to Naysayers
- Sleep on It (sort of) – Ways to Disconnect to Unlock Your Creativity
- Other Ways to Relax Your Analytical Mind and Become More Creative
- Keep Going and Never Give Up
- Conclusion About How to Be More Creative

Benefits of Being More Creative
Creativity has many benefits. It can help you solve problems, communicate better, and think outside the box. Being more creative can also make you happier and more productive. Here are some basic benefits of being more creative:
- Improved problem-solving skills: When you learn to think creatively, you’ll be better equipped to find solutions to problems.
- Enhanced communication abilities: Creative thinking can help you communicate your ideas more effectively.
- Greater innovation: A more creative approach to life can lead to new and innovative ideas.
- Increased happiness: Studies have shown that people who are more creative are generally happier than those who aren’t.
- Boosted productivity: A recent survey found that employees who used their creativity at work were more productive than those who didn’t.
- Better physical health: Believe it or not, being more creative is proven to have physical benefits such as: Reducing blood pressure, easing anxiety, and lifting depression. Creativity is also known to exercise the brain – making it more nimble and flexible – something that enhances mental youthfulness and deters memory loss or diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Unlock Your Creativity – Unlock Your Power
Creativity is often seen as a rare talent that only a select few are born with. However, the truth is that creativity is an aspect within all of us that can be developed and cultivated. And when you unlock your creativity, you also unlock your power.
I think Einstein said it best when he said:
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”
~Albert Einstein
If you substitute Einstein’s use of “imagination” with the term “creativity,” – then I think that pretty much sums up what I mean when I say when you unlock your creativity – you unlock your power.
Quickie Tippies on How to Be More Creative (in case you don’t want to read the whole article – which you should – but hey, I know you might be busy)
- Be open to new ideas and experiences.
- Let go of perfectionism and allow yourself to
make mistakes. Hang on. Strike that. I propose there are no mistakes. When it comes to creativity, be like the Nike motto and “Just do it.” There is no right or wrong.
- Be persistent and don’t give up easily.
- Practice brainstorming and think outside the box.
- Be curious and ask questions.
- Take risks and be willing to experiment.
- Cultivate a growth mindset and believe in your ability to improve and learn new things.

If You’ve Ever Said, “I Don’t Have a Creative Bone in My Body!” That’s a Myth!
Are you one of those people who believes that creativity is a trait that you’re either born with or not? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people think that creativity is something that only some people are lucky enough to have.
But the truth is, creativity isn’t about luck. Creativity isn’t about genes or what you’re born with, or your DNA. It’s not even about skill. It’s about letting go. Creativity is about personal expression. This is all about swimming in the magical land of imagination and nowhere land where anything is possible. So, if you’ve ever said, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body!” then it’s time to dispel that myth once and for all.
So, with all that said, if you’re still reading this after the quickie tips, I’m delighted. Let’s dive more deeply into ways and tips on how to be more creative so we can get your magical juices jump-jiving and flowing all over your life.
Give Yourself Permission to Be Creative (and surrender control)
Some of the best advice on how to be more creative is also some of the simplest: give yourself permission to be creative. This may sound obvious, but it’s worth repeating because so many of us block our own creativity without even realizing it. We do this by holding on too tightly to perfectionism and other self-imposed limitations. So cut that sh*t out!!!
If you want to tap into your creativity, it’s important to let go of these things and allow yourself to experiment, play, and make mistakes. It may feel counterintuitive at first, but surrendering control is actually one of the best ways to unleash your creativity. So next time you’re feeling stuck, remember to give yourself permission to be creative – and then see what happens!
Love What You Create (no matter what)
Creating something new can be daunting. You may have all sorts of doubts and fears about whether your work is good enough or whether people will even like it. But the only way to find out is to put your work out there and see what happens. So don’t let your fears hold you back – love what you create, no matter what.
When you’re in the creative process, it’s easy to get caught up in self-doubt and worry about whether your work is good enough or not. But the truth is, you’ll never know until you put it out there for the world to see. So don’t be afraid to take risks and share your creations with others. Who knows – they might just love them as much as you do!
Heck, there have been tons of moments where, clearly (in my mind) I was creating nothing more than piles of poo. But, I kept on rolling those poop piles – regardless. The end result was more creative expansion, more liberation, and the ability to breathe more freely in creative bliss.
Just check out my cacti drawings, and you’ll see what I mean. One artistic rendering is more controlled – but the other is just frenzied. Now in my mind, there isn’t much difference in quality. The most important thing is that those creative images were released from my essence to breathe new life on their own. Sure – some of my stuff is absolute rubbish – but I love everything I render nonetheless, and I encourage you to do the same!

Don’t Try to Emulate Others
When it comes to being creative, there is no need to try and emulate others. Being unique is what will make you stand out and be successful. Trying to copy someone else will only lead to frustration and a lack of originality. Trust your own instincts and ideas, and don’t be afraid to be different. The world needs more creativity, so embrace your own and let it shine!
Allow Yourself to Create Whatever Floats Your Boat
There’s no wrong way to be creative. So, if you’re feeling stuck, don’t be afraid to try something new. Allow yourself to experiment and play with different mediums, colors, and techniques. See what happens when you let go of your preconceived notions of what your art should look like.
The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process. Creativity is a journey, not a destination. So relax, let go, and see where it takes you.
Let Your Left Brain Play Nice With Your Right Brain (balancing your creative brain with your analytical brain)
There are two types of thinking: convergent and divergent. Convergent thinking is when you analyze and come up with the one right answer, while divergent thinking is when you generate new ideas and think creatively. To be more creative, you need to balance both types of thinking.
This all boils down to left-brain and right-brain thinking. Right-brain thinking tends to be more creative, artistic, visual, imaginative, and pardon the non-sciencey term here: “loosey-goosey.” Whereas the left brain tends to be analytic, critical, logical, and is always drilling down the facts.
Both parts of the brain are essential to survival and living a whole life. However, we all have a tendency to lean to one side or another. When it comes to how to be more creative, it’s crucial to nurture and encourage the right brain. Moreover, it’s important to get the left brain to play nice with the right brain (especially if you are more left-brain inclined). Here are some tips on how to let your left brain play nice with your right brain:
- Make time for creative activities. Set aside some time each day or week for activities that allow you to think creatively, such as brainstorming, journaling, or working on a hobby project.
- Get in touch with your emotions. Creativity often comes from our emotional side, so pay attention to your feelings and let them guide your thoughts.
- Be open to new ideas. Be willing to consider unusual or unexpected solutions to problems, and don’t be afraid to experiment.
- Take breaks and relax. When you’re feeling stressed or stuck, take a break and do something relaxing, such as taking a walk outside or listening to music. This can help clear your mind and give you a fresh perspective.

Explore Different Mediums of Creativity
If you’re looking for ways to be more creative, one approach is to explore different mediums of creativity. This can mean trying out new things like painting, music, writing, film, calligraphy, upholstery, or dance – or whatever! By broadening your horizons and opening yourself up to new experiences, you may find that your creativity levels increase.
Who knows, you may even discover a hidden talent or passion that you never knew you had. So don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and explore the many different ways that you can express yourself creatively. You might just surprise yourself with what you’re capable of in terms of picking up different types of creative expression.
Approach Creativity Like a “Long-Lost Friend”
When I haven’t been creative for a long time and then get back into the creative flow, I’m reminded of that John Denver song Back Home Again in which he croons, “Hey, it’s good to be back home again. Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend!” (of course, by “farm” I’m thinking “creativity”). I love the idea of art, writing, music, and creative endeavors as a separate entity or personality that I sit down with to palaver, talk, connect, and commune.
Creativity and innovation often seem like elusive, unattainable qualities. We see others around us who appear to produce creative work and wonder what their secret is when they manifest creative stuff so effortlessly. The truth is, there is no one “right” way to be creative.
However, there are certain things you can do to open yourself up to new ideas and ways of thinking. One of the best ways to jumpstart your creativity is to approach it like a long-lost friend. Think of creativity as a pal or an entity that needs your presence as much as you need it. Give it a try. I bet you’ll have swimming results when you treat creativity like a sentient presence in your life.

Here are some tips on how to be more creative by approaching creativity like a long-lost friend:
- Make time for it: Just like you would make time for a catch-up coffee with an old friend, make time for creativity in your schedule. Whether setting aside an hour each week or carving out 15 minutes each day, giving yourself dedicated time to be creative will help get the wheels turning.
- Get comfortable with being uncomfortable: Creativity often means stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you’re used to always playing it safe, challenge yourself to take some risks in your creative endeavors. You may surprise yourself with what you can produce when you push yourself a little bit.
- Create without judgment: One of the quickest ways to kill creativity is by being too critical of your work. When you’re in the brainstorming or early stages of developing an idea, try not to judge or critique too much. Just let the ideas flow freely without overthinking things too much.
Ultimately, I love to just get foot-loose and fancy free with creativity. These butterfly images are an example. I have no rhyme or reason. I’m just using colored pencils to expel and spew anything that comes to my mind. For me, this is like “coming home” and greeting a beloved friend. Every. Single. Time.

Don’t Listen to Naysayers
To be more creative, it is important not to listen to naysayers. Naysayers are people who tell you that you can’t do something or that you’re not good enough. They try to bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself. The only person who can tell you whether or not you’re good enough is yourself. If you believe in yourself, then anything is possible.
Better yet, think twice about sharing your creativity with others. This might sound cold and stingy…but when you’re in the inchoate stages of spreading your creative wings – that’s a very tender and vulnerable time. You might be better off keeping your blossoming creative buds to yourself until you become more confident in yourself or your abilities.
Sleep on It (sort of) – Ways to Disconnect to Unlock Your Creativity
We’ve all heard the saying, “sleep on it.” And there’s a reason this advice has been around for so long – because it works. When we’re well-rested, our minds are better able to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions.
There are slumber-type things you can do to promote creativity and encourage those lightbulb creative moments. Here are a few tips:
- Get out of bed and write down your ideas. Whether keeping a notepad by your bed or using the voice memo feature on your phone, getting your ideas down as soon as they come to you will help prevent them from slipping away in the morning.
- Take a break from screens before bed. The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disrupt our natural sleep cycles, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. So turn off the TV, put away your laptop, and power down your phone at least an hour before hitting the pillow.
- Create a nighttime routine that promotes relaxation. This could include reading, journaling, taking a bath, or stretching. Doing something calming before bed will help ease your mind and prepare you for sleep.
- Practice some deep breathing.

Other Ways to Relax Your Analytical Mind and Become More Creative
So, it feels like I’ve been a bit redundant with all these bullet points, but there is a reason I’m hammering this home to you. To be honest, creativity can be an elusive thing. This isn’t slot-machine logic. Creativity doesn’t pop out from a toaster oven. No. It’s a twirly-swirly-squirrely kind of essence that needs to be nurtured and lulled into our existence. Considering this, I’m giving even more ideas about how to be more creative and coax that artistic side out of you in nurturing ways:
Yes, yes, I know. Meditation is my answer to everything. But I wouldn’t keep yammering on about the benefits of meditation if I didn’t have first-hand knowledge of how it can unlock your creativity. It certainly has mine. Meditation has a way of releasing the mind and body that is so profoundly liberating. Therefore, meditation is an elegant partner in searching for ways on how to be more creative.
When it comes to being creative, one of the best things you can do is to meditate. Meditation allows you to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. This can help you to be more open to new ideas and possibilities.
Take Nature Walks
There are few things as refreshing as a nature walk. Walking in nature has been shown to decrease stress, improve moods, and boost creativity. If you’re feeling stuck creatively, take a nature walk and see if it doesn’t help jump-start your ideas. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your nature walk:
- Get off the beaten path. Instead of walking the same route every day, explore different trails and paths. This will help you see things in a new light and perhaps give you some fresh ideas.
- Make it a point to notice something new each time you go for a walk. It could be the way the sunlight hits the leaves or the sound of the wind in the trees. Paying attention to your surroundings will help you be more mindful and present, which can lead to greater creativity.
- Take some time to just sit and soak in your surroundings. Sometimes, the best way to find inspiration is to simply be still and quiet in nature. Let your mind wander and see what ideas come up.
- Bring along a camera or journal to document what catches your eye. This can be a great way to refer back to later when you’re looking for creative inspiration.
- Challenge yourself to find beauty in everyday objects. Instead of seeing a leaf as just a leaf, try to find all the different colors and textures within it. By slowing down
Try Gardening
In my world, gardening, planting, pruning, and caring for green things are quintessential to creativity. That’s why I’m encouraging you to connect with your green thumb to inspire your creative side. Here are a few tips on how to be creative through the art of gardening and planting:
- Get your hands dirty. One of the best ways to be more creative in gardening is to get your hands dirty. Touching and feeling the dirt, plants, and water can help you connect with your garden in a more intimate way and spark new ideas.
- Talk to your plants. It may sound crazy, but talking to your plants can actually help them grow! Studies have shown that speaking kindly to your greenery improves plant health. So go ahead and tell those tomatoes how proud you are of their progress.
- Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was that perfect garden you’ve been envisioning. Give yourself (and your plants) time to experiment and grow. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t seem to be going according to plan – sometimes, the most beautiful gardens are the ones that evolve organically.
- Let inspiration strike. Sometimes the best way to get new gardening ideas is simply to open yourself up to inspiration when it strikes. Whether it’s a gorgeous flower you spotted on a walk or a Pinterest pin you can’t get out of your head, use what you see around you as motivation for your own creations.
- Keep a gardening journal. Documenting your gardening journey is a great way to track your progress, remember what worked (and what didn’t), and look back on fond memories later on. Plus, it provides an outlet

Try Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is a powerful tool for tapping into your creative potential. By becoming aware that you are dreaming, you can take control of the dreamscape and use it to explore your creative ideas. Here are some tips for how to lucid dream:
- Keep a dream journal: Recording your dreams each morning can help you become more aware of when you are dreaming.
- Look for patterns in your dreams: Are there recurring themes or symbols? Paying attention to these clues can help you become more conscious in your dreams.
- Try reality testing: Reality testing is a technique where you question your surroundings to determine whether you are awake or dreaming. For example, try looking at your hands – are they the same as they normally are, or do they look strange? Reality testing can help you become more aware of your dreams and take control of the dreamscape.
- Create a cue to remind you to lucid dream: A cue can be something as simple as setting an intention before bed, or wearing a bracelet that says “dream” on it. Having a reminder will help you become more conscious of the fact that you are dreaming and take control of the dreamscape.
Get Journaling
Journaling is a great way to be more creative. It allows you to express your thoughts and ideas in a safe, private space. You can use journaling to brainstorm new ideas, work through problems, and explore your creativity. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of journaling:
- Find a comfortable place to write. Make sure you have a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus on your writing.
- Set aside some time each day for journaling. Dedicate at least 15 minutes each day to writing in your journal. This will help you make it a habit and allow you to explore different topics each day. I learned this by reading Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way in which she encourages us to write “daily pages” – this was revolutionary for me – not as an artist – but just shifting into an artistic mood.
- Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. This is your personal space to write whatever you want, so don’t worry about making mistakes. Just let the words flow and see where they take you.
- Be open-minded and honest with yourself. Write down your thoughts and feelings honestly, without censoring yourself. This will help you tap into your creativity and find new solutions to problems.
- Experiment with different types of journaling. There are many different ways to approach journaling, so experiment until you find a style that works for you. You can try free-writing, stream-of-consciousness writing, prompts, or even drawing or painting in your journal.

Keep Going and Never Give Up
I’ve gone ‘ad infinitum’ about the benefits and tips on how to be more creative, and I appreciate you hanging out with me as I rant and hammer out all these details. Ultimately, creativity is something to be kindled. It needs fuel. It needs to be nurtured, encouraged, and stoked. That means we can’t give up. Suspend judgments about your creative manifestations.
So what if a Crayola drawing looks wonky? Who cares if a line of original music you’ve pounded out sounds a bit pitchy? It doesn’t matter if your clay pot looks blobby, or you look like Elaine from Seinfeld when you dance. The only point is that you’re manifesting something within your soul. You’re engaged in the act of creating. That is a sublime and magical thing that is unique to being human. Embrace it. Never give up on that. Keep on keeping on. It will pay off for you, your life, your progress, and your well-being.
Conclusion About How to Be More Creative
It’s clear that with a bit of practice, anyone can become more creative. Try out some of these tips on how to be more creative, and you’ll soon notice the difference in your ideas and creations. Give yourself time to play around with different tools, technologies, and mediums; take regular breaks; challenge yourself by learning something new or taking risks; find inspiration in nature; brainstorm alone or collaborate with others – all these things will help you tap into your inner creativity. And don’t forget to have fun! As always, thanks for reading!
Mighty brightly,

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