Last Updated on March 10, 2021 by Avia
Tiger Chinese Zodiac Sign Meanings
Exploring Tiger Chinese zodiac sign meanings and the Chinese new year of the tiger: Tigers are full of vim and vigor. This is all well and good, but there may be a drawback. You know that old rhyme: “eeny meeny miny moe…catch a tiger by the toe…it’s fitting for you if your Chinese zodiac sign is the tiger. Why? Because you may find yourself so inspired that you might be scattered in all directions. Which endeavor to pursue? Which adventure to track down? This conflict of focus often leaves Tiger signs fed up and overwhelmed to the point where they just say, “hang it…why even bother starting the project!?!” Just keep this in mind. Be like the great cat, and smartly track down one path at a time.
The good thing about all this is that you’ll experience a resurgence of confidence throughout any year. Even if you get confused about your direction – or even have set-backs. Challenging situations will see you pushing through it with gusto. Bravery, self-belief and victory are the watchwords for this sign.

This Chinese zodiac animal is so magnetic! Talk about animal attraction! There’s something about Tiger signs that makes people gravitate to them. You appreciate open, honest communications. This doesn’t mean you might take advantage of the information you glean from others. You are always on the prowl for hidden resources in relationships, and you often use your heightened perceptions about others to bring about the best outcomes. This is especially true in business dealings and negotiations.
Some things to watch out for: The zest and zeal of the Tiger sign is truly an asset, and attractive in so many ways. However, there is a propensity to overdo and overindulge. Tigers can get so caught up in the moment, they lose sight of priorities. It’s like watching a cat playing with a ball of yarn…they get so involved, they don’t see the ledge they’re about to fall off. Don’t get so caught up in your passion that you fall off the edge of reality.
Further, Tiger’s can get very content with the way things are. Complacency in the year of the Tiger is something of which to be wary. Here again…it’s like watching a cat…uber-content to stay in her sunny spot and sleep the day away.
Part-and-parcel with enthusiastic personalities, the Tiger might be in danger of becoming overemotional at times. The year of the Tiger may kick up some emotional dust that may cause you to be overwrought or overcome with feeling. This could lead to mania or depression if overlooked. Just be aware of your emotional levels. Strive for homeostasis with your energy, emotion and outlook.

Mythology and Legends About the Tiger Chinese Zodiac Sign
The tiger in Chinese myth and legend applauds the inherent power and strength in this noble creature. In Asian lore, it is often featured as the supreme being, or the king of the jungle. I say ‘king’ because the tiger has ‘yang’ energy which is highly masculine, male, powerful and strong. This is a very aggressive, courageous energy. That means, whether you are male or female, if you are born with the tiger sign, you can be ferociously strong and incredibly brave…especially in terms of defending yourself, or protecting all that you hold sacred. Many Chinese myths show tigers hoarding or guarding treasure…the same holds true for tiger signs in the Chinese zodiac. You need to have full assurance that your treasure is safe.
Tigers also have a transformative aspect in Chinese myth. They are said to shape-shift. There are certain tales about common folk turning into tigers in a story when they feel threatened or there is a need to stand up to a challenge. The core at these types of stories deals with themes of never underestimating the underdog (because you never know when the spirit of the tiger will manifest and surprise you!)

Sign of Tiger in the Chinese New Year of the Tiger:
This is a grrrreat year to be on the prowl for that which you desire. Obtaining what you want shouldn’t be difficult in the year of the Tiger. Passion and fire are big themes for this sign and year. If previous years saw you in a slump, or unmotivated…then watch out…this year is going to see you ignited and ready to rock n’ roll.
Obtaining what you want shouldn’t be difficult in the year of the Tiger. Passion and fire are big themes for this sign and year. If previous years saw you in a slump, or unmotivated…then watch out…this year is going to see you ignited and ready to rock n’ roll.
This is also a great year to solidify personal and business relationships. Your tiger sign can be extremely sociable, and the year of the tiger opens up gateways to gain new partnerships and broaden communications. As a Tiger sign, take advantage of the year of the Tiger to attract good, beneficial people in your life. It’s a great time to do so.
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