Pleiades Meaning and Samhain
As we approach Samhain (October 31 – November 1) our awareness naturally moves in the same circles as our ancient ancestors as we all prepare …
Tips on Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings
As we approach Samhain (October 31 – November 1) our awareness naturally moves in the same circles as our ancient ancestors as we all prepare …
When reading the astrological birth chart, understanding how soft astrological aspects work in astrology is essential to making an in-depth evaluation. Do astrological aspects illustrate …
I spent years developing my spirituality and intuition. In fact, as a certified medium, I spent several years training at the First Spiritualist Temple of …
Symbolism shows itself everywhere. Even candle flames hold their own symbolic messages. That got me intrigued by the question, “What is lychnomancy?” Also known as …
Zodiac signs can tell us a lot about ourselves and provide us with information on why we do the things we do. It is now …
I was a socially awkward kid with a brooding, gloomy disposition. My social status wasn’t improved by the fact I had some pretty hideous physical …
Your Astrological Personality: Ever wonder why the daily horoscope, so ubiquitous, is often vague and sometimes not even relevant? We are not our astrological Sun …
Whether you subscribe to chakra healing crystals or not, one thing is for sure – stones have energy. Yup, crystals, rocks, stones all carry a …
About the book, Four Agreements and Good Practices in Making Agreements (with ourselves and others). Have you heard of The Four Agreements? I was browsing …
Western Astrology: Mercury Retrograde and Mercury Direct. In Astrology, Mercury is the planet that controls communication and transportation. When Mercury is in retrograde, it is …
Autumn. It’s a season of transition – it’s Nature’s ‘last hoorah!’ before retiring into winter’s slumbering mood. This is a hustle-bustle-boogie-down month as preparations are …
The Advantages of Silence and Thoughts About Being Alone: There’s a big difference between loneliness versus being alone. I live alone, but I’m not lonely. …
According to Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of intuition is: “A direct perception of truth or fact that is independent of any reasoning process.” BORING! The …
What is a rising sign? A better question might be what’s the big deal about your rising sign? Well, it is a big deal. In …
Astrology Books That Could Change Your Life: If there is one fact that all of us Earthlings know, it is that our fate can be …
These days, life has grown increasingly chaotic and challenging, effectively putting an end to traditional lifestyles all over the world. The effects of this can …
Thoughts About Dog Wisdom and Love Lessons: Whether you adore them or fear them, the fact remains…dogs are hugely capable of love. I especially appreciate …
Why Do We Call It a Blue Moon? Blue Moon Meaning What’s up with the blue moon meaning? Why do we call it a blue …