Last Updated on October 11, 2024 by Avia
Insights On Symbolic Lobster Meaning: When we talk about symbolic lobster meaning, we’re talking about scavenging our emotional landscape for insights and aspects we’ve let settle into obscurity within our hearts for too long.
Lobster symbolism deals with the realms of protection, as well as discovery, rejuvenation, transformation and emotional growth. To be sure, lobsters are fascinating animal totems with deep symbolic implications.
A Look at Lobsters and Water Associations
When we look at our animal totems and messengers, I’m always encouraging a look at their dominant element (fire, earth, air, water).
Logically, the lobster is governed by the water element. As such, when we contemplate symbolic lobster meaning, we’re also contemplating water symbolism, which represents emotions, feelings, intuition, healing, cleansing, fluidity.
In a sense, because the lobster dwells at the bottom of their watery realms, we could say lobster symbolism is about sinking into our own emotional depths and feeding ourselves from our deepest emotions. Furthermore, those at the greatest depths feel the greatest pressures, and the lobster is a testimony to that.

“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea,
~John F. Kennedy
whether it is to sail or to watch –
we are going back from whence we came.”
Some keywords associated with symbolic lobster meaning include…
Symbolic Lobster Meaning – Keywords
- Strength
- Nobility
- Resolution
- Temperance
- Discovery
- Abundance
- Sensuality
- Regeneration
- Transformation
- Gripping/Holding
Lobster Meaning and Cycles
Often associated with the crayfish, lobster symbol meanings deal with cycles, regeneration, and protection. These creatures are lunar symbols and thus, messengers of the sub-conscious and the Unknown.
The protective symbolism is evident in the hard, spiny exo-skeleton found with these creatures. When the lobster crawls into our consciousness we’re reminded of the cyclical nature of our lives and we’re also cued into identifying layers of protection we may need for the path on which we embark.
Lobster Shell Significance
Lobsters grow in their shells, adding new layers and shedding old ones through a process called molting. This word is also used in reference to birds and holds a general meaning of growth and cycles. For the lobster, the shell is a reminder of its past. Same holds true for us. If the lobster is surfacing from the waters of your awareness, it might be a good time to contemplate your past. It might also be a good time to consider molting the layers of past experience that have become overgrown and/or no longer useful. The lobster shell and its molting process is a great lesson for us to cast off those tight-fitting, ill-suited behaviors and thoughts that got stuck in our craw through past experience.

Clicky Lobster Claws
Like several other animals, the lobster can regenerate lost claws and legs. They will even voluntarily remove their own appendages if they feel threat (there’s nothing so effective as leaving a limb behind to distract a hungry predator). This behavior speaks of letting go and severing old beliefs and conceptions.
The mammoth pincher claws of the lobster represent a powerful and tenacious hold. What’s got a hold of you? What’s in your psyche that poses limitation? The lobster helps us identify those thoughts, behaviors, experiences that are latched onto our souls with fierce and unyielding pinching-power. Likewise, the lobster can help us cast off those limitations – like separating a limb for our own survival, the lobster illustrates how we can release limitations from our being as a means of self-preservation and lightening our emotional loads.
The Lobster as a Totem
Those who feel an affinity to the lobster as a totem, guide or messenger will be intimate with the varying levels of emotion. Lobster-people are familiar with the crushing pain emotions can cause. As a result, lobster-folks have built in phenomenally effective defense systems (like the lobster shell). This protective covering houses a bunker of emotion, intuition and insight. The lobster can serve to help recognize and contemplate the duality here – the crux between feeling emotional freedom and also protecting emotional purity from the inside out. Call upon the lobster when you are feeling the pressures of emotions pulling you into the tide of life. This creature can offer a unique objectivity. It can help calm raging waves of over-emotionality. It can also assist in protecting our emotions and help strike a balance in our lives.
Lobster meaning also talks to us about scavenging our lives for value. Lobsters are scavengers, clicking through the ocean floors to find glimmery goodies to lunch on, and also baubles with which to construct their homes. Logically, the lobster encourages us to do the same.
When the lobster swims into your consciousness, it’s time to scour your personal landscape for treasures waiting in your midst.

Guidance From the Lobster
♦ Seek out unorthodox solutions around you.
♦ Pick through options you’ve not considered before.
♦ Go on a scavenger hunt for hidden treasures that nurture your soul.
♦ Use your sensory ‘antenna’ to scout out the best resources for your life.
♦ Allow yourself to find balance between softly vulnerable and well-defended.
♦ Drop those useless limbs of past wounds so you can be free to scamper to new vistas.
♦ Contemplate protective/defense mechanisms. Make sure they’re healthy and functional – and molt if you sense you’ve become hardened.
I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on symbolic lobster meaning. Check out the links at the end of this page for more symbolic delights.
Take Away Tips About Lobster Meaning

Don’t need it? Drop it!
If a part of a lobster is damaged beyond repair, that bit simply falls off. Good idea! Do you have something that is not serving you anymore? DROP IT!

Grab it like you want it!
Want something really, really bad? Do what the lobster does. Grab onto it as if your life depends on it. Often, a lobster’s life DOES depend on a mean grip. So clamp down, and never let go if you really want something.

Oh, grow a shell!
It’s okay to be vulnerable. But lobsters remind us we’ve got to have a thick skin to get around in this world. It’s about self-preservation and self-protection. Don’t let others damage your lovely soft bits inside (like your heart and dreams).
As always, thank you for reading and I hope these insights on symbolic lobster meaning was helpful to you.
Mighty brightly,

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