Last Updated on September 23, 2024 by Avia
September is a fabulous month, if you ask me. It’s not too cold, not too hot, and it’s the precursor to cooler autumn days. Light is dwindling, leaves are changing – it’s a month all about transition and shifting perspectives. Because this is a month replete with potential and power – I thought it would be a great idea to talk about the spirit animals of September.
Table of Contents
- Before That, Let’s Talk About the Symbolism of September
- What Are the Criteria for Spirit Animals of September?
- Are These The Only Spirit Animals of September?
- Spirit Animals of September and Why They Are Special
- Fox
- House Cat
- Moose
- Badger
- Rabbit
- Beetles
- Butterfly
- Black Birds
- Swallow
- Swan
- Things to Do and Ways to Honor Spirit Animals of September
- Affirmations and Meditations to Try to Connect With Spirit Animals of September
- Frequently Asked Questions About Spirit Animals of September
- Avia’s Last Word on September Spirit Creatures
Before That, Let’s Talk About the Symbolism of September
This month isn’t just about ushering in autumn; it’s also a time that is highly symbolic. I love the feeling of powerful potential September brings – it’s like there’s a sparkly energy that’s buzzing around, saying, “Anything is possible!” That’s a lot of what the symbolic meaning of September is all about. To wit, check out this list of key descriptors for this month:
- Change
- Harvest
- Renewal
- Transformation
- Anticipation
- Resilience
- Fidelity
- Adaptability
- Sincerity
- Service
- Helpfulness
- Friendship
- Assessment
- Resourcefulness
- Reflection
- Preparedness
- Appreciation
- Mindfulness
What Are the Criteria for Spirit Animals of September?
Some animals jive with the month of September more than others. It’s just the way it is. A lot of it has to do with energy frequencies – which means animals and humans are connecting together in response to this special time of year. Other reasons spirit animals of September are what they are is due to key behaviors certain critters express in this month.
Figuring out what spirit animals of September are relevant to you means using intuition and observing yourself along with your natural environment. Watch birds, bugs, fish, and creatures. Pay attention to your surroundings. Listen to what potential September spirit animals have to convey to you. Getting to know these and other creatures this month is a great way to get into the deeper meaning of September and get to know yourself more during this transitional month filled with opportunities. Each animal carries symbolism that resonates with the changing energy of this month. As summer fades, nature shifts toward reflection and preparation for autumn.
Are These The Only Spirit Animals of September?
No way! There are oodles more! A lot of what type of creature resonates with you during this month is up to you – yes. But it also depends on where you live, what you’re thinking/feeling, etc. For instance, if you live in an Arctic region – your prime animal for this month might be different from someone who lives in a tropical setting. Then again, if you live in the desert and keep experiencing the energy of a dolphin keeps on coming up – what’s that about? Clearly, dolphins are swimming in the sand dunes. It’s all about aligning with this time, with yourself, and with the creatures who are connected to you on a seasonal level.
Spirit Animals of September and Why They Are Special
September brings a unique energy as summer transitions into autumn. This shift is reflected in the spirit animals that guide us during this month.
The selection of September spirit animals is deeply rooted in seasonal shifts. As summer wanes and autumn approaches, these creatures embody the transition from warmth to cooler days.
These animals are also closely connected to astrology signs, and I’ve used discernment in selecting creatures that are at their prime this time of year, according to astrological insight.
So, without further delay, let’s roll this beautiful September spirit animal footage!
The is a poster child (creature) for cunning and adaptability. This is a clever critter who dominates over diversity. By association, the fox begs us to be resourceful and mindful of the ever-shifting energy of September.
Alert, keen, and nimble, the fox is always looking for opportunities that come hand-in-hand with change. We should do the same – especially if we’re lucky enough to see a fox in September.
Fox takes advantage of the transitions all around this month, and we should, too. Recognize that change (no matter how much we might dislike it) is an inevitable part of life. We should also recognize that sometimes change can be a very good thing. Do like the fox does – expect change, recognize it, grab onto it, and squeeze it for all it can do to support and nourish you.
Foxes are also playful, and I want to tell you to do the same. These creatures are jump-jiving, and they take time to have some fun. By design, you should too, and submerge yourself into opportunities and experiences that will result in playful moments that (often) lead to solid learning moments in life.
This regal mammal also represents the thin veil between dark and light. It’s a liminal creature, meaning it can deftly dwell in the “in-between” spaces of time and life. If that sounds like something you can get behind – give it a try this month, and ask the fox to help you move through liminal spaces to expand your consciousness.
House Cat
Sleek, sassy, and savvy, the domestic cat is a lovely icon for September. It’s precocious and selective, which begs us to be the same. Get a full sense of something before you pounce on it. Also, be selective; don’t make any rash decisions this month. The cat can help you sniff out the best opportunities.
Cats can also kick up some chaos, too, and what’s wrong with shaking things up in your life? As a spirit animal of September, the domestic cat encourages us to topple the status quo a bit. Move things around, or adjust your regular routines. Do something you wouldn’t normally do (and by all means, have fun doing it!), and see how making changes in everydayness can bloom into something truly marvelous and exciting.
While rattling the cage of routines is great, the cat of September also wants you to be hyper-aware of your surroundings. Be mindful, and pay attention to the nuances of life, and your environment (internal and external). In other words, don’t let life pass you by without noticing the truly awesome goodies around and within you.
Cats also symbolize comfort and nurturing energy. This is a reminder to take time to support yourself. Heck, find a kitty to cuddle, and take care of that emotional support together! Ultimately, a house cat as a spirit animal in September can show you the beauty inherent in harmony, balance, and self-love.
Oh, and I can’t button up this section on fabulous September cat energy without mentioning this animal is a catalyst for creativity – so let loose! Get making, planning, scheming, and thinking about creative endeavors, and start putting those brilliant ideas into play this month – the cat will say “meee-haw!” if you do.
Many moons ago, I connected with a moose in Vermont during a highly auspicious September sunset. I’ll never forget it. It was like watching a gentle giant manifest from the forest. It commanded my respect as it towered over the terrain. Truly breathtaking.
I picked the moose as a spirit animal of September not just for my experience but also because this month (and Oct) is Moose breeding time. This entails all sorts of unusual (but fascinating) antics in which bull moose are attempting to woo a mate (female moose known as a “cow”).
Now, I’m not recommending you go through antler perfuming or digging wallows while dousing them with your urine. No – leave that to the moose. But you can do things to woo your dreams closer to you. You can also make preparations to attract something you want and love to come into your life – just as the moose does – but in different ways. Meditate, prepare, and visualize your lover, mate, or that special thing to come your way – this is the perfect month and perfect mammal to get that ball rolling.
Moose, like all animals, have an undeniable connection to nature. I think as a September spirit animal, the moose is a reminder to reunite with Mother Nature, and strengthen your bond with the great outdoors. Take time to preserve, conserve, and appreciate nature all through the month, and give a mental nod to the moose for reminding you that nature is the ultimate giver, stabilizer, and supporter.
Oooh, I love these babies. They’re badasses, and they don’t mess around. I like that sentiment for September. The badger reminds us to utilize determination and tenacity when it comes to hunting down our goals this month. It’s also a great mentor when we need to prepare for battle. I’m not suggesting that battles are in your midst this month, but the badger is a huge advocate – a creature to observe (energetically and otherwise) when you need a lesson in how to protect, defend, and stand up for yourself and who/what you love.
Badgers are consummate diggers, and by association, they ask us to dig. Not in the dirt, necessarily (although that’s never a bad idea in my mind). I’m talking about digging into ourselves and searching for buried treasure within our souls. Once found, bear your teeth and claws in reckless abandon. Huzzah!
Fun fact: In many Native American cultures, the badger is considered a guide through dark times. Perhaps it’s their notorious ferocity, but personally, I’d feel safe with the badger as my guide through the unknown of anything. Keep that in mind. If you’re feeling insecure about a task, or need to go through a sort of rite of passage (where you don’t know what the outcome will be) , attempt it this month with the badger as your powerful guide.
Gotta love ‘em. Sweet, cute, cuddly – rabbits are big flags that remind us to indulge in the sweet, tender moments life affords us. Rabbits also ask us to “pay it forward.” Meaning, when you see one (especially this month), appreciate that tender sweetness, and pass it on. Give someone a kiss on the cheek or a big hug. Hop in on a neighbor or a friend, and just give them a simple word or two of love and encouragement. That’s what the preciousness and sensitivity of the rabbit ask us to do this month.
In case you didn’t already know, rabbits can make babies to beat the band. Very fertile, rabbits remind us that September might be an optimal time to birth new things. I’m not talking about literal babies (although if you want to have a real-life baby in September, I’m sure the rabbit will applaud you). I’m talking about being fertile in the mind, body, and spirit. Give birth to new, nourishing habits like eating healthier, or starting a new artistic project. The results will be a new birth that transpires in a way that should support you and make you happy long into the autumn and winter.
Another fun fact: Did you know there are over 350,000 species of beetles? Mayhaps that speaks to the diversity of life. I think it does. As a spirit creature of September, beetles remind me that diversity abounds. This is a keen thought channel because if diversity is all around, that means there are virtually endless opportunities for differences and variety. Consequently, that means we’re not stuck into one way of doing things, or one way of thinking. Beetles in September remind us our universe is too diverse to allow one way to be the only way.
You’re probably aware that the scarab beetle is a symbol of renewal in Egyptian culture. It’s true, and I like this as a statement for the spirit animals of September. It fits the season, if you ask me. Renewal, transition, and negotiating our behaviors to release our best selves to the sunshine is a metaphor for the beetle.
I also like how the beetle is so tiny, but it’s capable of mighty feats. From metamorphosis to moving mountains (on their own terms) – these creatures got no quit, and they have the ability to do tremendous works. We can too! That’s the lesson here. Never ever ever think you’re insufficient, too small, or ineffective to do great things. The beetle in September will tell you differently!
Unless you battle with lepidopterophobia, you’re likely a fan (on some level) of butterflies. And why shouldn’t you be? They’re beautiful, ephemeral, industrious, and highly magical. As you might know, the butterfly is a glowing symbol of transformation and beauty. Hey, remember all those keywords for the symbolism of September? Yup – the butterfly is a good match for a spiritual compatriot this month. So, what to do? Remember that beauty is where you find it. Sometimes it floats. Sometimes beauty flies away – but it always returns. That’s a big lesson for many of us, and the butterfly this month can be a great teacher.
I mention the butterfly as a spirit animal of September because this is a time when many of them start their arduous, expansive migratory journey. It’s a long haul, with many unknown factors on the sojourn. If that sounds like something you’re dealing with right now, the butterfly is the powerful creature that can get you through the misty, unfamiliar bits of taking a journey in your life. This could be a behavioral journey to improve yourself in a very localized setting. It could also be a physical journey like moving across the country. In either case, the butterfly is your ally, especially this month.
In the same line of taking a journey, the butterfly is also an icon of reinvention. Consider they morph from one entity into a completely different being (as in, caterpillar to butterfly). Whoa! I just find that stupefying. I also take that as a lesson that if ever a time or spirit animal could help you reinvent yourself or your life – the butterfly and September is it.
Black Birds
Crows. Grackles. Ravens. Birds that are robed in black hues really speak to me this time of year. They speak of secrets and mysteries that we can only dream to comprehend. Thankfully, when you hook up with the energy of black birds, you can catch glimpses of light into those dark secrets. Try doing a meditation with black birds, and ask them to fly you (in your mind’s eye) to parts unknown. Ask them to peck at secrets you want the answers to. I think you’ll be surprised at how they can awaken your intuition and provide answers for you.
Speaking of mysteries, here’s another trivia bit: Loads of Native American legends include black-colored birds as being guardians of the galaxy of the so-called dead. In other words, they’re considered as liaisons between the living and the deceased. What do we do with that? Well, we could utilize this time and these dark birds to help us communicate with loved ones who have passed from this physical realm. You could also do what I do – I call on black birds to help me contact people on the other side of physical life in order to learn cool stuff like ancestry, ancient customs (or maybe even uncover a secret or two from my great, great grandma Agnes).
There’s a reason the swallow is a common tattoo among sailors – it symbolizes returning back to better times. With their incredible migratory patterns, these tiny yet mighty creatures sweep across thousands of miles to get back to your ideal breeding grounds.
I miss them as they leave my little corner of the world, but you know what I do? As they start flying south for the winter this month, I energetically send positive messages and good thoughts with them as they take flight. I visualize my intentions on their wings, and as they finally make their descent to their location, I see my intentions landing with positive outcomes. It’s just a thing I do, but I also think it’s effective should you want to try the practice.
Swallows are also incredibly acrobatic and resourceful. I think this is a great feature as a spirit animal of September. No matter how bleak or unsettling your situation might seem, observe the swallow. Remember that they can move, think, and maneuver in ways that capture what they need to survive and thrive – you can too.
Grace, beauty, serenity – the swan is a great way to center yourself in all the transition that potentially comes along with the month of September. Symbolizing transformation and inner strength, the swan is a reminder that you might be paddling like crazy, but above the water – you’re smooth as silk. That’s what the swan in September brings to bear. Keep calm, and swim on. Work hard, draw on your inner reserves, and press on – but don’t make waves about it. Instead, go forward and conquer with grace and serenity.
We all know the story of the ugly duckling. I’d like to call on that as another example of why this bird deserves to be a spirit animal of September. The story goes that a cygnet (young swan) got caught up with a bunch of baby ducklings. Of course, it looked different, swam differently, and didn’t fit in at all. It wasn’t until the cygnet grew that it became crystal clear it was exactly as it was supposed to be – beautiful, strong, powerful, and downright enchanting. That’s a lesson for us too. No matter how awkward we might feel or in which crowd we find ourselves – we have an innate beauty and incredible potential for presenting grace and power in the world.
Things to Do and Ways to Honor Spirit Animals of September
All this talk about spirit animals of September is great – but if you don’t do anything with the creatures that alight in your awareness this month – what’s the point? Putting it all together, of course, and working with these (or your preferred) animals this month to render sparkly results in your life and the world around you. Here are some idea:
- Observe the animals outdoors and see how they can serve as a metaphor for improvement in your life this month.
- Meditate with this or other animals this month with the purpose of enhancing and elevating your world.
- Volunteer or contribute to a nature preservation organization. In other words, do what you can to give back to Mother Nature as she so generously gives to us this month and beyond.
- Say affirmations, or plan new things and take your September spirit animal along with you (energetically speaking). You never know what kind of adventures await you both!
- Be grateful. Just take a minute or two to admire, respect, and say “thank you” to all that is going good in your life and in the world.
- Get creative. Ask any of these or your own spirit animals to help you create something marvelous. This could be as simple as building an altar for yourself, or creating a new community outreach program in your area that supports local wildlife.
- Be with people and things you love. Because September (and her creatures) tend to be erratic, do what you can to spend moments in time doing and being with people and things you love. Savor every moment, because we’re only guaranteed one thing in life – it all changes.
Affirmations and Meditations to Try to Connect With Spirit Animals of September
What can I say? I like affirmations! They help me stay on track, and they train my mind to go into directions that are better for me. In regards to spirit animals of September, you can adopt affirmations to do the same. Same with meditation. In fact, without meditation, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be breathing and typing right now. Yeah, it’s that big of a deal. Here are a few ideas about affirmations and meditations for September spirit animals:
- Stand tall and say, “I embrace the wisdom of nature.” This helps open your mind to messages from your spirit guides.
- Consider a morning meditation in a serene spot. Visualize each September animal surrounding you. Picture their unique traits as you breathe deeply. Let their energy fill your space.
- You can also write down what each animal means to you. Reflect on how these qualities resonate in your life right now.
- At sunset, find time for gratitude. Speak softly to the universe about the lessons learned from these creatures this month.
- Journaling every evening can deepen this connection too. Write about any encounters or dreams related to these animals—your subconscious may reveal even more insights than expected.
Frequently Asked Questions About Spirit Animals of September
I hope I’ve done a good job at laying down the (sometimes ephemeral) aspects of spirit animals of September. If not, here are some FAQs I’ve dug up and answers to perhaps clarify anything I missed.
Spirit animals represent traits and lessons we can learn from them. They often guide us through challenging times and help us connect with our inner selves.
September marks a transition into autumn, symbolizing change and reflection. Many cultures believe that different animals resonate with these themes during this month.
Yes! Spirit animals can be shared among many people. However, each relationship to their chosen animal will be personal and unique to individual experiences.
You might feel a strong connection or fascination with a specific animal. Pay attention to your dreams, thoughts, and any meaningful encounters that may signal your bond. You can also check out the many articles I’ve written about identifying spirit animals for help.
Absolutely! As you grow and evolve in life, so too may your connection with different spirit animals reflect where you’re at on your journey. My spirit animals have changed significantly over time, so yeah, it happens.
Take it as a sign! Reflect on what qualities or messages they could bring into your life right now. Observing how these creatures behave might also offer further insight into their significance for you personally.
Avia’s Last Word on September Spirit Creatures
In closing, I just want to thank you for taking the time to explore these hand-picked spirit animals of September with me. I hope these insights helped you understand the power of these animals – but don’t get stuck on just these critters. If you have creatures that sing to you during September, listen and dance to those tunes! As always, thanks for reading, and happy September spirit animal blessing to you!
Mighty brightly,

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