Last Updated on October 3, 2020 by Avia
Simple Symbol Meaning: Understanding the Basics
Simple Symbol Meanings
This page on simple symbol meaning is an attempt to lay a foundation for very basic visual symbols, like circles, triangles, squares, etc.
By understanding the basics of these symbol meanings, then we have the rosetta stone to decoding tons of encryptions throughout history.
Why? Because these basic symbols are found in every culture, throughout history, around the world.

Some symbol meanings might vary from culture to culture, but getting the foundation is a key to opening up the big picture of some pretty intense cultural symbols.
For example, if we look at the triskelion, we can visually whittle down this motif to a triangle shape. Therefore, by contemplating the triangle, we gather more insight into the message of the triskelion (as well as other symbolism drawing on the power of three).
Very basic shapes are symbols humankind first scrawled on cave walls, and wrote in the sky with imaginary air pens. They are the first rung on the ascending ladder of creative expression.
It’s my contention that by familiarizing ourselves with the very basic symbols, we get our prime symbolic language skills, and crack open our understanding into profound insight into much more intricate symbolism.

Simple symbols can serve as touchstones. They are foundations that can ultimately launch us into astounding perceptions.
When we begin to see our world in simple shapes, our reality begins to simplify, and awareness comes about in a natural flow. Observing in terms of reduction (into simple squares, circles, etc) eliminates superfluous judgment.
The symbol meanings featured on this portal page are deceptively simple. It is their simplicity that offers magic.
Don’t be caught in the deceptive ruse of the two-dimensional, rudimentary appearances. Rather, let the potential of these basic shapes spill out into your awareness. Playing with these shapes (just as our children do in elementary learning) will cause multi-dimensional understanding.

Simple Symbol Meaning – the Basics

Circle Symbol Meaning
Depending upon era, culture, region and your perspective circles may represent:
- Life
- Motion
- Female
- Beginning
- Potential
- Cosmos
Learn more about circle symbolism here.

Cross Symbolism
Cross symbolism offers us a powerful union of major faith-based concepts. Here are a few keywords for this symbol’s meaning:
- Honor
- Balance
- Structure
- Sacred
- Unification
- Choice

Spiral Symbolism
Spirals can offer tremendous fun and insight. They can also expand our awareness on a grand plane. Here are a few spiral keywords that might whirl into your awareness.
- Expansion
- Contraction
- Creativity
- Femininity
- Journeying

Square Symbolism
Some conceptual insights into the stabilizing energy of the square include:
- Earth
- Security
- Structure
- Masculine
- Order

Triangle Symbolism
Triangle symbolism speaks to us of magic, and creativity. Here are some other attributes for this symbol
- Combination
- Creation
- Manifestation
- Illumination

Color Meaning
Just a little bit of color to any symbolic experience adds so much, like:
- Depth
- Mood
- Value
- Clarity
I hope you enjoyed this page on foundational (simple) symbols and their meanings. Be sure to check out more symbolic meanings by following the links offered at the end of this page. Thanks for reading!
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