Last Updated on March 4, 2023 by Avia
Introduction To The Meaning of Signs And Symbols
Exploring Signs And Symbols: Part of the purpose of is to provide an educational foundation about symbolism. This website is certainly not the only source for symbolic meanings, but I think it’s a good place to start.
Why? Because what you get on this site is well-researched, authentic information. No woo-woo, hokey, flakey stuff. Well, there may be some woo-woo tossed in the mix, (lol), but for the most part, you’re going to find a down-to-earth, practical approach to interpreting signs and symbols on this website.
Seriously, my passion is symbolism (if it isn’t obvious), and I take a great deal of pride in the information I provide. Most of the topics I’ve discussed come from personal experience, or experiences from family, friends or colleagues.
Table of Contents
What’s The Difference Between Signs and Symbols?
The terms are interchangeable – to split hairs…
Signs are objects, ideas, events, impressions that point to something that causes the observer to connect and deduce. Usually whispy, and sometimes vague.
A symbol is a projection of something more profound than itself. Solid and quantifiable (even if pretzel-methods of quantification:). For example, the sun may serve as a symbol for something more than itself – it “symbolizes” warmth, creativity, and power.
What about symbol meanings?
Symbol meanings are gleaned according to culture, context, the passage of time, and even personal perspective.
This website strives to provide you with the best, time-honored information when defining symbols. However, in the final analysis, “beauty (and the symbol meaning) is in the eye of the beholder.”
So please, invest the time to do your own personal research into sign and symbol meanings. This website is just one perspective in an ocean of variety and diversity in the realm of symbolism. Dive in!

Why bother with interpreting signs and symbols?
I suppose if the idea of interpreting symbolic meanings isn’t your shtick, then you wouldn’t want to bother with it. If, however, you get jazzed (like I do) about the concept of a symbolic language being spoken by every living thing, and communicated to us by the Universe…it might be worth a bit of an investment to become “bi-lingual”.
As a second language, symbolic-interpretation can be a catalyst to opening new horizons of understanding. Why? Because what would classically be defined as “common” becomes extraordinary when we see things in a symbolic way. When we take the time to discern that vibrant, expressive language of symbolism, there’s no limit to the wisdom we may garner. Living a symbolic lifestyle makes simple joys even more grand. For example, a hawk flying across our line of sight is more than just a raptor passing by…it’s presence in our vision has meaning…message…portent.
How do we interpret our signs and symbols?
Two answers. There’s the easy way, and there’s the sticky way. Sticky way? Yeah, the easy way isn’t going to stick with you in a deep, profound way. The easy way is to look up your moon sign, or flower sign. Sure, this way offers insight and meaning, but in my experience, it isn’t a catalyst…it doesn’t shift your perspective.
Of course, there’s no shortage of quickies if you want casual meanings. And to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with “easy”. Any kind of connection to deeper meaning reaps rewards. Whether curious, or in a hurry for a quick answer, there are plenty of signs and symbols that may get you where you need to go. For example:

Some Signs and Symbols for Easy Interpretation (Easy Way)
♦ You have a birthday symbol which is determined by your birth date. This will be your Zodiac sign, also known as your astrological sign.
♦ Also related to your birth date sign is the Chinese Zodiac – this sign is determined by the year you were born.
♦ Native American symbols are given to us through heritage, dreams, meditation or trance states.
♦ Additionally, the First North American’s designated animals (zodiac) upon the time of birth.
♦ According to the date of your birth, there are certain flowers that resonate more closely with your energy as is seen in Flower Zodiac signs.
♦ The ancient Celts designated sacred trees that corresponded with clansmen and kinswomen birthdates.
♦ You can identify your birth sign with MaHaBote, the Myanmar astrology linked with the day of the week you were born.
♦ Finding meaning via your Moon Sign is another option. I’m particularly fond of seeing insight via the Native American Lunar Signs.
♦ Animals, (be they totems or not) are symbolic and will share signs/messages with us. This page offers step-by-step tips to knowing your animal totems and receiving animal messages.
♦ Animal totems come to us by way of dreams, meditation, and observation. Also, certain animals are assigned to us at birth in much the same way as zodiac signs.
♦ Even numerology can provide you with some symbolism as you resonate with a certain number corresponding with the day you were born in birthday numerology.
When these and other signs catch our fancy, we should pay attention. Upon learning the symbol meanings, we find our symbol preferences reveal much about our psyche and personalities.
In-Depth Tips for Interpreting Signs and Symbols (Sticky Way)
The sticky way to symbolic interpretation goes beyond surface understanding, and requires an investment in ourselves and our environment. Top-Notch “sticky” methods to interpreting signs and symbols involve self investigation, rumination, meditation, living life with a keen eye on potential (deeper) meaning (beyond the surface).
Tips for “Sticky” Interpretation:
This in-depth method of symbolic interpretation goes beyond surface understanding, and requires an investment in ourselves and our environment. Top-Notch “sticky” methods to interpreting signs and symbols involve self investigation, rumination, meditation, living life with a keen eye on potential (deeper) meaning (beyond the surface).
Meditate, contemplate, ruminate, dream, relax into your own soul-knowing and swim in the answers within your own energetic oceans of knowledge. This is the optimum and ideal way to obtain symbolic interpretations. Be determined. Be patient. This is an investment in increasing the value of your soul. Honestly, I’d much rather you invest in yourself than pay me for spiritual clarification.
Keep Seeking
I’ve written gobs of pages on potential symbolism and symbolic suggestions. Using the search box at the top of each page on my websites will give you results on the topic you’re wanting clarity about. If I have not written about it, seek other authorities you trust on the subject.
And, by all means, support your local library! Libraries are our modern version of the Akashic records – they are packed with value on your quest for enlightenment. Plan a day at the library to research ancient wisdom about your symbolic episodes. The Internet is grand, but it is still an infant, and certainly not the end-all to information. And as I always say, don’t stop at just this website, or what you read in a book.
Keep researching your phenomenon. As mentioned, symbolic episodes are specific to each individual, so they require personal investigation. For every portent a person encounters, someone else will have a different definition of what’s happening. Take the time to satisfy your own need to know and understand by doing your own personal homework on your experience.

How to Know for Sure?
Not a day passes when I’m asked “Avia, how do I know the correct symbolic meaning for my dream/vision/experience, etc.?” Your symbolic episode is unique to you. A majestic version of yourself conjured this experience. It is NOT external. These are internal manifestations – personal messages from you – but from a broader perspective.
Not knowing if a meaning is appropriate to your experience is akin to not knowing if your heart is beating within your chest. You will know. You will feel the rightness of a concept in the marrow of your bones. It feels like a reunion – you will know because your whole being will resonate with the Truth of it. Trust yourself. No one is so disconnected that they do not know inherent Truth when it comes.
In conclusion, thanks for taking the time to read (a bit long-winded) FAQ page covering the basics on signs and symbols. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Be sure to check out the links listed at the end of this page for more tips to living a symbolic life.
Mighty brightly,

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