Frog Tattoo Ideas
…Agriculturally, green is akin to income – green goodness means produce to have and sell. In short, life is good when crops are green. Original Native Americans recognized these subtle…
Tips on Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings
…Agriculturally, green is akin to income – green goodness means produce to have and sell. In short, life is good when crops are green. Original Native Americans recognized these subtle…
…Best Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving According to Your Native American Animal Sign! This quiz is designed to do more than entertain; it’s a journey into the wisdom of Native American…
…Thanksgiving According to Your Native American Animal Sign! This quiz is designed to do more than entertain; it’s a journey into the wisdom of Native American animal symbolism, helping you…
…the hummingbird as a symbol of love, sexuality and fertility. In this respect, the hummingbird was a sign of love on the horizon by whomever spotted it. The Native American Hopi perceived the hummingbird…
…Jung, Campbell) and philosophies of varying cultures (i.e.: Native American, Celtic) with a goal to understand symbolic meanings using naturalistic (pre-industrial) perspectives. Avia proposes that by tapping into nature and…
…Druids. In the Native American way of symbolic communication, hands dominated in expression where the Plains Indians showcased their most eloquent speech via use of hand gestures. In Buddhism as well…
…goddess. Ostara is also connected with the vernal equinox (by the same name) which occurs March 20-21st. In Native American folklore, Manabozho is the Great Hare, a trickster god. He is a shape-shifter and…
…light within all newborn children. Navajo Twins: Usually described as Mother Earth and Sky Father twins, or Brother Sister twins, the Navajo Twins are powerful Native American symbols for creation…
…evolution. More about spider symbol meaning In Native American symbolism, the spider is a symbol of protection against torrential storms. In yet other Native American lore accounts, the spider (personified as…
…Supermoon Symbolize? Mythology Surrounding Supermoons Greek Norse Native American Chinese How Does the Supermoon Affect and Influence Humans, Nature, and Life? Human Wonder Nature’s Response Connectivity Intangible Influence Ways to…
…like Greece and Rome, where they were worshipped under different names like Hecate or Diana/Artemis for example. However, it was also present in other cultures like Native American Wisdom or…
…Beaver Animal Symbolism As A Native American Zodiac Sign Born: April 20 – May 20 – Take charge, adapt, overcome – this is the Beaver motto. Mostly business, the beaver is gets…
…Signs Astrology Zodiac Signs Celtic Tree Signs Astrology Flower Zodiac Signs Astrology Zodiac Sign Dates Astrology Gemstones Celtic Zodiac Signs Native American Zodiac Signs Moon Signs in Astrology Chinese Zodiac…
…Filtering Bad Dreams for Good Luck Dreamcatchers are widely recognized as significant cultural artifacts of Native American history and tradition. It was believed that these hand-woven talismans could trap and…
…believed to bring good luck and fortune. In Native American folklore, owls are often seen as protectors of the home and family. They are often seen as messengers from the…
…of your sister, for the human family – this kind of soul-warming is present within you as the heat is inherent to the candle flame. Holly Symbolism From Native American…
…season.Like our Native American kin, the full moon in each month held a special personality. To know more clearly what I mean by this, (check out this page devoted to…
…souls. Once found, bear your teeth and claws in reckless abandon. Huzzah! Fun fact: In many Native American cultures, the badger is considered a guide through dark times. Perhaps it’s…