Last Updated on March 14, 2021 by Avia
Exploring Rooster Chinese Zodiac Sign Meanings
Rooster Chinese Zodiac Sign Meanings and the Rooster Chinese New Year: Ever heard of the term “cock of the walk”? That’s a good description of the Rooster sign. It’s not that the Rooster is necessarily cocky (although they can be) – it merely means this sign has got a lot of self-confidence. Part of this confidence comes from a strong streak of independence and self-reliance. Roosters are “can do” people. They figure things out on their own, and execute a plan for success on the solo too. They have faith in their abilities, skills and accomplishments. They typically have a track record of doing well, and usually don’t have a problem telling you about it.

Rooster signs take a lot of pride in themselves, their community – and particularly their territory. In fact, they can be quite possessive, and tend to get aggressive if they feel their space or property is threatened. Take pride in your family, your children, and the investments you’ve made in friendships and community.
Even though Roosters tend to strut their stuff, they’re not all braggadocio. They actually have a soft spot, and can be surprisingly sentimental. They are also extremely protective. They’ll tear down the veils of heaven and hell to protect the ones they love. Do not ever mess with a Rooster who is protecting a loved one.
Mythology and Legends About the Rooster Chinese Zodiac Sign
In Chinese myth and lore, the rooster has a reputation for being a superior guardian, protecting communities from ill will. They are featured as protectors of temples and homes because they are believed to ward off evil spirits. A white rooster on a coffin is said to thwart demons and protect the deceased. A red rooster featured at the front of a home is thought to protect the home from getting burned down from a fire.

Sign of Rooster in the Chinese New Year of the Rooster
If you are a Rooster Chinese zodiac sign and you’ve felt a little insecure in previous years – don’t sweat it – the year of the Rooster will inject the boost of confidence you need. The year of the Rooster is a time to cockadoodle-doo about your accomplishments. If you’re normally tentative about tooting your own horn, the year of the Rooster will bolster your bravado.
Because the Rooster is a prideful side (not in a bad way), it’s good to observe this during the Chinese new year of the Rooster. This is a time to think about reinventing yourself and owning up to all the value you offer the world. It’s a time to appreciate what you have gained in life, and see the value in your successes. It’s also a time to be proud of who you are.

The Rooster sign resonates with the energy of protection. This fiercely protective attitude bleeds into the year of the Rooster too. I’ve observed this year to be one of vengeance and justice. On several occasions, I’ve seen balance restored in righteousness established in prior wrong-doings. Justice is often served in the year of the Rooster.
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