Last Updated on September 12, 2024 by Avia
If you’re stuck in a stressful routine, you may need some time away. Too often, we lose ourselves in the daily grind of duties and obligations illuminated only by our screens. But we can find our way back to enlightenment when we escape the hustle and bustle of life with a nature-inspired vacation.
Rather than going to an overcrowded resort, this type of trip lets you experience the restorative power of immersion in the great outdoors. There are many benefits, but none is greater than rebooting your spirit with activities to get you back in touch with your higher self. Making this trip a reality takes some planning, but it’s well worth it.
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Why It’s Important to Unplug

Disengaging from your phone, TV, and other devices for a few days is good for your health. Too much screen time leads to health issues such as:
- Poor sleep. These devices emit blue light, which your brain mistakes for daylight. That reduces melatonin and disrupts your natural Circadian rhythms.
- Medical problems caused by inactivity. Watching devices while sitting, even at work, puts your health at risk. It may slow your metabolism, cause musculoskeletal issues, and create cardiovascular problems.
- Cognitive challenges. Unproductive screen time, like watching TV, correlates to an increased risk for dementia. Overexposure to tech can also harm short-term memory.
- Damaged eyesight. Too much screen time may lead to digital eye strain, nearsightedness, and retinal damage. If your screen is too bright, it can strain your eyes, causing discomfort, dryness, or headaches.
Too much time on devices impacts your mental health too. Conversely, nature helps with depression. The fresh air offers myriad benefits for your mental and physical health. While the great outdoors can’t cure depression or any other mental illness, regular outdoor time can help reduce symptoms.
- Seasonal depression comes from too much cold or dark weather. When the warm weather comes — even if just for one day — stepping outside can help quite a bit.
- Postpartum depression is a struggle for some women. But observing wildlife, like listening to birdsong, can support the healing journey.
- Grief can be processed more easily by noticing the life cycle, like how dead trees nurture the soil to create new life. This powerful metaphor reminds you that while your loved one is gone from the earth, they still exist in the universe.
When you experience unpleasant emotions, a nature vacation is the best way to restore your sense of self. Be it a cabin in the woods or a hiking trip, there are countless ways to delve in.
A fully immersive outdoor experience is the best way to experience all of nature’s benefits.
The Benefits of Immersing Yourself in Nature

If you are struggling to find yourself, immersing yourself in the great outdoors removes the distractions of work, life, and screen time. Doing so helps you pull free of the stress of this world and reconnect with yourself.
Nature Helps You Find Answers
The world is complicated, and getting stuck and stressed from the routine is easy. A break from the busyness of life calms your mind and spirit. This empowers you to listen to nature for answers that seem elusive.
If you have a pressing problem, take some contemplative time outside and really still yourself. If you tune everything else out, you can hear it speak, guiding you to those answers.
Nature Guides Your Spiritual Path
One of the many things nature can help you with is navigating your spiritual path. Free of the chains of this world, your time in nature is best spent observing the sights and sounds around you. Pay attention to the flora and fauna that attracts you, using it to guide your thoughts and emotions.
Connecting with nature provides boundless lessons. Be present with yourself and the landscape, investing in a quiet, mindful connection. You can practice meditation, have a picnic, or spend time in the same spot, noticing the changes in nature at different times of the day. Focus on the lush scenery around you to distill your spirit into a nurturing space to grow your spiritual journey.
Nature Boosts Your Creativity
One of the most fantastic benefits of being outside is that nature can make you more creative. Research shows that people are more creative when they disengage from everyday surroundings. Nature also has a calming effect that boosts divergent thinking, when your brain creates a variety of ideas to solve issues. One study showed that time in nature increased creative ideation.
But nature also has the power to awe and inspire you, helping you to tap into a wealth of creativity. Try exploring it in new ways, like dancing outdoors, writing poetry, or nature painting. Just jotting down your observations can also expand your mind with new ideas.
Mindful Activities for Outdoor Trips

With this in mind, let’s explore some activities you can do to get the most out of your nature vacation.
Outdoor Yoga and Meditation
Many different camping activities promote positive thinking so you engage with your higher self. Outdoor yoga and meditation are perfect because they only require a mat and a flat surface. The tranquility of sunrise or sunset hours helps you focus on your breathing to get the most out of your practice.
Grounding is the simple act of connecting with nature through your skin. It helps you heal from the stress of technology on your mind and body. Some research even suggests that it can alleviate pain and improve your mood. It’s as simple as walking barefoot, lying on the ground, or immersing yourself in water.
Moon Meditation
We can benefit from contemplating this nighttime body that has a powerful influence on our oceans. Even though it doesn’t have its own light, the moon has meaning and symbolism, representing renewal and rebirth. Consider its characteristics as a hidden symbol, one that reflects the light, and ask yourself about your hidden gifts. Are you reflecting the light in your life to others? Let your nighttime contemplations reconnect you with your higher self.
Vacationing away from urban and suburban areas allows you to stargaze and enjoy astronomy while camping. Before going, get familiar with easy-to-find constellations like Orion or the Summer Triangle. Use a star chart to discover more, and use binoculars or a small telescope to see even more heavenly bodies. It can take up to 45 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness, so give yourself time to see smaller stars.
This trip sounds great, but it will take some planning. How can you make your trip a reality?
Making Your Dream Nature-Inspired Vacation a Reality
A nature vacation doesn’t require much: a campsite or cabin and a way to get there. However, traveling far to a place isolated enough to fully experience nature might be costly. You might want to consider the pros and cons of getting a line of credit to pay for this trip.
With a line of credit, a lender allows you to borrow up to a certain amount. Unlike a loan, you take what you need when you need it. It’s like a credit card with lower interest rates and provides an excellent way to build credit. It may have higher interest than a loan, and an unsecured line requires collateral. Always weigh the risks before taking a line of credit to fund your trip.
Nature-inspired vacations are a perfect way to unplug from the brain-draining grind of technology and reconnect with your inner self. Immersing yourself in nature for a few days can boost your overall health, restore your spiritual wellness, and stimulate your creativity. Permit yourself to unplug with a nature trip. It’ll help you connect to your higher self.

About the author: Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in lifestyle, mental health, education, and fitness-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter.