Last Updated on October 7, 2023 by Avia
Help From Praying Mantis Messages in Times of Stress
How praying mantis messages and meanings helped me with a stress-free relocation: I recently moved. While no move is a bed of roses (and I’ve moved around a lot!). This current move made me think back to previous relocations. I remembered a time in 2016 when I moved into a tiny house. I was having a very hair-pulling day in the middle of relocating.
Table of Contents
- Help From Praying Mantis Messages in Times of Stress
- How a Praying Mantis Eased My Stress
- Praying Mantis Messages of Calm and Balance in Cultural Symbolism
- How the Praying Mantis Managed My Stress During the Move
- Praying Mantis and Managing Stress (during a move or otherwise)
- Praying Mantis Messages (for you and me)
How a Praying Mantis Eased My Stress
Up to my eyeballs in the dirt, dogs, books, bowls, and not much room to navigate it all. What’s worse, the shower didn’t work, my windows wouldn’t open, the toilet wouldn’t flush…you get the idea. Just nuts. So what’s this all have to do with praying mantis? In the midst of all this stressful, moving chaos, I spied a precious baby (picture below)…

She was watching me the whole time I was fussing and fighting with fixing up the house. I had to laugh at that. She didn’t have a care in the world (because believe me, there were plenty of bugs in the house for her to munch on, ack!).
My point is, she was calm as a cucumber while I was mad as a March hare. There’s a lesson in that. In fact, praying mantis meaning is all about staying calm and carrying on. From Asia to Africa, the mantis is a consistent symbol of peace, tranquility, and stillness.
Praying Mantis Messages of Calm and Balance in Cultural Symbolism
The mantis is also symbolic of dreams for African Bushmen. The mantis is thought to be a dream-bringer, a soothsayer – even capable of predicting events in the future. When we dream of a mantis, it is almost always followed by a solution to a problem we are struggling with. It is believed the praying mantis whispers an answer to a conflict while we sleep. Upon waking up we must remember the message and that will help us through our troubles. When a mantis is seen, it’s advised to go deep meditation, contemplation and cast yourself into future possibilities. The Bushmen say the mantis will guide your way so you can see your future path clearly.
Shaolin monks in Asia closely observed the mantis and revered it for its elegant movements. From this intense observation, the monks created a meditative form of martial arts similar to Tai Chi. This makes the mantis lucky in balancing peace with defense. Kung Fu is also based on the mantis movements. The Chinese believed the mantis is a helper in achieving tranquility and resolving problems without violence, which is ironic, for sure. But these fighting styles were created more for reverence and inner development than defense.

How the Praying Mantis Managed My Stress During the Move
With all this cultural wisdom about the praying mantis, guess what I did? I saw that mantis, calmed myself down, and got into meditation mode. Where did Miss Mantis take me? Well, she got me as far as unboxing all my books, lol. And she did assure me all this move-in/tiny house madness would settle down in time. That’s all I needed to move forward.
What’s my point? When things seem crammed with chaos, let the praying mantis guide your way. Here are a few suggestions the praying mantis can help in the storms of stress…
Praying Mantis and Managing Stress (during a move or otherwise)
♦ Keep calm in the storm: That watchful mantis reminded me to be still and get centered. Observe more, act less! The mantis is incredibly attentive and it remains very still in its observations. It does not act until the moment is right. I believe the praying mantis encourages us to do the same.
♦ Drop everything and dream: -Or meditate. The point is, the mantis is a magnifier of mindful visions and assists us in refocusing on better outcomes (rather than wallowing in worries). Sometimes it just takes stepping back, regaining equilibrium, and refocusing to move forward with better results. As you go through your days, please keep in mind.. every event is symbolic.
♦ Every visit is a gift. It just takes a little pondering to gain deeper meaning, insight, and guidance. It doesn’t take an elephant totem to tromp through our lives and hit us over the head with meanings. The mantis might be small, but it packs a powerful punch. All this to say, pay attention to visitations from all kinds of creatures that capture your attention…they’re like little angels proffering profound messages of guidance.

Praying Mantis Messages (for you and me)
So what did Miss Mantis say to me when I hunkered down in meditation? Well, I don’t speak fluent mantis…but this was the gist of the praying mantis message:
“Keep riding the cool air-stream of serenity that you’ve been encountering lately. And, if you haven’t hitched a ride inside that current of well-being, have faith, the scales will be tipping in your favor soon, and balance will be at your feet in no time.
You can experience stress relief and contentment when you focus on the simple pleasures afforded to you. Simply be, and let the magic come to you. No need to go looking for it. It will come to you, I promise. Just be, and open yourself with childlike wonder. My praying mantis messages are about comfort and you should know satisfaction often comes from unexpected places. But peace and comfort will come when you settle into the wonder that surrounds you at every turn.”
I share this praying mantis message with you in hopes that the same transmission is just as meaningful and profound for you as it was for me!
As always, thanks for reading! I hope these reflections on the praying mantis might help you in the midst of challenges.
Mighty brightly,

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