Your Ultimate Guide to Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings

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    The Symbolism of the Planetary Alignment

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Symbols for Memorial & Honoring Loved Ones Who Have Passed On

Have you ever asked,
“What’s my sign?”
“What does this mean?”

If so, you’re in the right place! (WYS) is a comprehensive guide to symbolic meanings and interpreting signs in our environment. With hundreds of free articles, tutorials, resources, and content features, this website is your go-to resource.

Maybe you are new to the concept of interpreting signs and symbols. That’s okay! You will find easy-to-follow tips, examples, and great stories that will help you fully understand the exciting realm of symbolism.

Or, perhaps you are an expert in translating the language of signs and symbols. That’s okay too!  This site offers highly advanced insights into the world of symbolic meanings. Signs and symbols run like rivers through our lives. Because they are constant, we owe it to ourselves to closely investigate their meanings.

In short, understanding symbolism equips us for better living. Adopting the power of symbolism helps us learn more about ourselves and our world. Incorporating the interpretation of signs and symbols into our lives serves us in areas of self-discovery and self-expression.

Your Guide to Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings. Avia at
Your Guide to Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings. Avia at

Go Wild! Animal Signs, Symbolism, & More

Planets, Stars, Luminaries, Oh MY! Astrology Topics & Zodiac Sign Meanings

Here you will find hundreds of pages about interpreting signs and symbols. Each article is well-researched and crafted with the highest integrity. This website was created over 18 years ago with the goal of bringing insight into the language of symbolism. 

The author of this site, Avia, continues to add thought-provoking, quality articles on symbolic meanings. Why? Because after decades of living a symbolic life, Avia is still passionate about sharing uncommon meanings in our everyday lives that make our experiences special and profound.

How Signs and Symbolic Meanings Enhance Our Lives

Understanding sign and symbol meanings allows us to learn more about our past, present, and future. This leads to broader awareness on many levels. By tapping into the meanings of symbols and signs, we gain wisdom in critical areas such as:

♦ Philosophy
♦ Inner Awareness
♦ Global Awareness
♦ Cultural Diversity
♦ Personal Growth
♦ Personal Identity
♦ Collective Community

Our universe is constantly communicating with us. Paying attention to our environment, and listening to our inner voice can lead to explosive self-evolution and enlightenment.

By learning various cultural and archetypal meanings of symbols, we can utilize those meanings for guidance in solving real-life problems. This website was created with a goal to share the infinite possibilities of symbolism as a catalyst for self-development and collective awareness.

On, we’ll explore topics such as
♦ The relevance of symbolism in our lives
♦ Differences between signs and symbols
♦ Symbolic meanings according to era and  cultures
♦ How to use symbolism for self-discovery and life guidance

An Odyssey of Number Meanings

Want More? Me Too. Check Out These Enticing Topics

Interpreting signs and symbols isn’t always easy. That’s why this website was created. serves as your source for reliable information. There is meaning in everything, and this website aims to help you on your path of discovery. Simply click around, or use the search feature to explore something that catches your interest.

So what’s YOUR sign? Not Sure? No problem!

Try searching for whatever inspires you!

This website prides itself on being the forerunner of well-researched information on signs and symbols. Why? Because time and time again, Avia has witnessed peace and healing when we make an effort to interpret symbolic meanings and signs. This practice adds rich value to our life experience, and that is why whats-your-sign exists today – to assist in adding value to your life.

Mighty brightly,

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