Last Updated on May 2, 2023 by Avia
Writer’s block. It’s the scourge of students, authors, and creative types alike. There’s something about that blank page or computer screen that just sucks the will to write sometimes. This is especially true when deadlines are involved. When it comes to fulfilling a writing assignment, many people start to panic and worry more. In order to stay calm and focused while completing writing projects, here are some practices and techniques for overcoming writer’s block.
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Is Writer’s Block Inevitable?
Ask almost any professional writer, and they’ll tell you that writer’s block is bound to happen at some point in any wordsmith’s career. Many students start to feel stressed as soon as they are assigned to write essays on different complicated topics. Still, if you need help with writing essays or writing projects, you can always ask a professional paper writer to assist you. These pros can be helpful because they’ve been there, done that, and understand how important it is to overcome writer’s block to make the grade or meet a deadline.
Furthermore, a professional writer’s assistant can relieve a lot of stress. When you order an essay, you know it is in safe hands. For this reason, stress begins to disappear little by little. Unfortunately, this will not work if you’re hell-bent on finishing an assignment or your own. If it’s crucial for you to push through writer’s block, and complete your projects on your own, what do you do?

Tips for Crushing Writer’s Block
How is it possible to relieve stress and anxiety during and achieve an accomplished writing assignment? Are there any ways to stop worrying about failing to write successfully? Can you guide yourself to produce and generate high writing results within a deadline? If you’re asking yourself these questions, the good news is – yes! There is help for you if you’re plagued by writer’s block. There are certain practices and meditations that can assist you to stay mindful and calm before and during your writer exercises. Let’s consider the main and the most helpful techniques that will work for sure.
Practice Breathing Exercises
If you feel that you start to panic or be stressed, you should proceed to do breathing exercises. One of the easiest practices is called resonant breathing. You should inhale for five seconds and exhale for five seconds. It’s necessary to repeat this breathing pattern just for several minutes.
Breathing exercises (also known as breathwork) can assist to bring your body and mind to a relaxed condition within a moment. And let’s face it, one of the top causes of writer’s block is stress. So, this breathing technique can move you into a space where you can reduce anxiety and get writing!
Seek Spiritual Guidance
Aside from different physical techniques that are effective at overcoming writer’s block, spirituality can be a tremendous help. Turning to the spiritual forces in your life can be a big boon in terms of support and comfort. When you’re all bound up in writer’s block, and beleaguered with a hefty deadline – it can feel like the whole world is looming on your shoulders. Seeking spiritual guidance can relieve that weight off your shoulders. Spirituality is also a path that allows you to come to terms with the lack of control in your life (or in your writing assignments).
This might sound counterintuitive, but in fact, control issues are a big factor for writers. If you think about it, when you write, the whole world is at your fingertips. You control the theme, setting, plot, dialogue, etc. Spirituality reminds us that there is a higher power with a hand in control, and sometimes surrendering control to the deity of your understanding can reduce stress. Give it a try. Speak to your animal guides or your higher power. Release control, ask for help, or just strike up an intimate conversation with your spiritual forces. As strategies to overcoming writer’s block, you might be amazed at how effective relying on spiritual guidance can be.

Make Time for Exercise
If you think that it will be better to spend an extra hour hammering on a keyboard every day, you might be wrong. It would be a better idea to spend this hour doing exercises. Simply speaking, doing such exercises regularly can assist to reduce stress and increase relaxation.
It doesn’t matter if you go for a walk, jog, swim, or go for a bike ride. All these exercises provide aerobic activity. Aerobics naturally decrease adrenaline and cortisol levels. That means reduced stress and anxiety which gives you a sweet release to start writing again. Additionally, aerobic exercises stimulate endorphin production, when gives you a boost in energy. Moreover, aerobic activity can even treat clinical depression and anxiety disorders. So if you’re the “moody writer” type – exercise can get you out of the doldrums and happily back to writing that essay or novel.
Practice Yoga
Countless students and writers alike sing the praises of yoga when it comes to overcoming writer’s block. Yoga is a mind-body activity. It not only makes your body pliant and flexible, but it also loosens your mind so you can turn mental cartwheels around your writing challenges.
If you are new to yoga, you can find many online yoga classes that vary in price – you can even find a few free yoga sessions on YouTube. You can practice in groups or individually or even in the privacy of your own home with online yoga. There are many practices for people of different ages and with various abilities. Another interesting fact is that some people incorporate yoga and meditation into spiritual or religious rituals. This is a trifecta for relieving stress and eradicating writer’s block.
Chew Gum
Wait, what? Chewing gum can help with writer’s block? Yes. You may be surprised, but according to research, chewing gum helps people concentrate better. It can be especially useful in a bout of writer’s block to get your focus on track. Moreover, researchers have analyzed come to the conclusion that chewing gum can assist to reduce stress. Who knew chewing on a gob of bubble gum could be so handy?

Seek Solace in Nature
Nature has a miraculous way of shifting energy. So, when you’re pulling your hair out over that essay or novella, step away from your notes (or lack thereof), and try tiptoeing through some tulips. Commune with oak trees. Revel in a spring breeze. Dance in a patch of dew on a crisp autumn morning. You get the idea. When the cobwebs in your mind are thwarting your writing endeavors – take a break and let nature work her magic. If you’re not much of an outdoorsy type, then bring nature into your home or office. Haul in some low-maintenance houseplants to spruce the place up. Studies show that plants in a home office can oxygenate and purify the air. That means more oxygen to your brain which helps fire up your brain cells. And you know what that means – boost to the brain means a boost to your writing efforts.
Meditation (of course – no way I couldn’t mention it!)
While meditation can seem complicated for some folks, it is a good practice for your body, mind, and spirit. Meditation can help you develop your awareness and mindfulness. Practicing meditation regularly will teach you how to train your mind to concentrate and redirect thoughts. If you suffer from writer’s block, then you know how incredibly useful this practice can be. Similar to yoga, you can find many websites where guides and resources on meditation are available. So no more excuses! When the claws of writer’s block have you in their clutches, step away from the keyboard, and start meditating!
The Miracle of Micro-Napping
When I was studying in school, working three jobs (simultaneously), or recently on a creative bender that leads me to the point of exhaustion – I found micro-napping to be a real savior for my sanity. It’s also a brilliant way to crushing and overcoming writer’s block.
In reality, research shows that taking a nap as tiny as 30 minutes each day can restore hormones, allow you to feel rested and refreshed. These miniature snooze sessions are called micro-naps, and they have a powerful way of restoring your mind, body, and energy. Just 30 wee minutes of zzz’s can recharge your batteries and get you back in the writing game. Isn’t that worth it to get back to writing and producing killer projects?
If you have trouble taking naps, just give it a shot. Unlock that ball and chain that keeps you at your computer, turn off all electronics, maybe put on some relaxing music, get comfy, close your eyes and drift off. You’ll never know the benefits of micro-napping. Just be mindful that these naps don’t go over the line. There’s a reason they’re called micro-naps. Don’t let your cat naps go over too long, because this could leave you lethargic – or worse – interfere with your regular sleep pattern.
The Last Word on Overcoming Writer’s Block
Whether you’re a creative writer, student, or aspiring author – you’re probably familiar with the dreaded writer’s block. Thankfully, you’re not doomed to be stooped over the keyboard waiting for the muse to bite you in the bum. Follow these proven strategies to overcome writer’s block and you’ll be banging out sonnets, essays, and screenplays in no time. When you’re in a bind, it can be tough to take time out to exercise, take a nap, or do any of these tips. However, if you commit yourself to these practices, you will eventually see positive results. As always, thanks for reading, and happy writing to you!
Mighty brightly,

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