Last Updated on October 7, 2020 by Avia
Mayan Symbol: Hunab Ku Tattoo Ideas
Mayan Tattoo Ideas
If you’re considering Mayan tattoo ideas, here are some thoughts about the Hunab Ku symbolism. Read on for origin and symbolism of this symbol for your next tattoo adventure.
The Hunab Ku is believed to be ancient Mayan symbol which is a center feature in their sacred wheels of time or calendar systems. There are also theories the symbol may belong to the ancient Aztecs.
The symbol is a vital cornerstone into understanding the cycles of life (and also the core feature to understanding Mayan myths).

“Walk on soil as if your life depends on it because it does.
Breathe air as if your life depends upon it because it does.
Live with fierce devotion to what is given to you.
Life comes from earth, sky, stars, seed, wind rain.
You are but a small unit placed here to respect and ensure all life continues.”
~Mayan Saying – Translated and Updated
According to Mayan scholar Jose Arguelles, the Hunab Ku is the principle of life beyond the cosmos. He says “It may be described as possessing a simultaneous spin and counter-spin motion radiating outward from a center-point of indescribable energy that pulses at a specific rate. That pulse is the principle of life and all-pervading consciousness imminent in all phenomenon.”
Visually, we can see this symbol depicts the ancient tenet of balance in all things. It’s even reminiscent of the classic yin yang symbol found in Asian symbology. We see an equal balance of light and dark in the Hunab ku tattoo. Ergo, this carries deep symbolism of finding a balance. Balance in polarities like…
Themes of Balance Symbolized by the Hunab Ku
- Shadow self and light self
- Happy and sad
- Mother and father
- Night and day
- Right and left
- Sun and moon

Note: As with all ancient symbols, origins and traditional meanings can get fuzzy over time. It’s important to know this symbol (illustrated above) is likely a modernization and probably doesn’t look exactly as it did in ancient Mesoamerica.
Furthermore, there is very little agreement about the actual meaning of the Hunab Ku. My thoughts on the the Hunab Ku concept are based on my observations of the indigenous culture and my impressions about the symbol. With a little research, you’ll find varying ideas about Hunab Ku.
At the end of the day, all you can rely on is what your heart and soul tells you about this piece. Personally, I think that’s how our ancient Mayan and Aztec ancestors would want it.
For more Mayan tattoo ideas and other pages of interest, click on the links at the end of this page.
As always, thank you for reading.
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