How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Last Updated on August 22, 2024 by Avia

Preparing for your first psychic reading can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. Whether you’re seeking insights into your future, guidance on a personal issue, or simply curious about the process, knowing how to prepare can help you get the most out of your session. Here’s a guide to help you prepare for your first psychic reading, ensuring it’s a meaningful and enlightening experience.

Understanding What to Expect

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Research Different Types of Readings

Not all psychic readings are the same – they come in different forms, including tarot card readings, mediumship, astrology, and clairvoyance. Understanding the different types of readings means you can pick the best type that meets your needs and interests. Research each type and consider what you hope to gain from your session.

Set Realistic Expectations

While psychic readings can provide valuable insights, it’s important to set realistic expectations. Psychics can offer guidance and clarity, but they do not have all the answers or control over your destiny. When you go for your first reading, have an open mind and be ready to receive insights but also be aware that the future is not set in stone.

Choosing the Right Psychic

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Read Reviews and Testimonials

Choosing a reputable psychic is crucial for a positive experience. Scour the ratings, testimonials and reviews of a psychic before you go. This will help you guage a psychic’s reliability and accuracy. You can also do a search like, “psychics near me,” on websites, social media, and online forums. This can give you insights into what other people have experienced from a particular psychic.

Consider Your Comfort Level

Your comfort level with the psychic is important. You should feel at ease and able to trust the person providing your reading. Some people prefer face-to-face sessions, while others are comfortable with phone or online readings. Choose the format that makes you feel most comfortable.

Preparing Questions

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Reflect on Your Life and Goals

Before your reading, take some time to reflect on your life and what you hope to achieve from the session. Consider different aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, health, and personal growth. This reflection will help you identify the areas where you seek guidance.

Write Down Specific Questions

Writing down specific questions can help you stay focused during your reading. Instead of asking broad questions like, “What does my future hold?”, consider more specific inquiries like, “What can I do to improve my relationship?” or “What career path should I consider?” Be specific, but also disconnected from the outcome.  

Creating the Right Mindset

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Clear Your Mind

Entering the session with a clear and open mind is essential. Try doing some relaxation techniques before you go. This could be deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness practices to calm your thoughts and reduce anxiety. A clear mind will help you be more receptive to the psychic’s insights.

Be Open and Honest

Above all, being honest (with yourself and your reader) and being open is key to a successful psychic reading. Be prepared to share relevant information and express your thoughts and feelings openly. The more the psychic understands about you, the more accurate and helpful their guidance can be.

Practical Preparations

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Choose a Quiet Space

If your reading is taking place over the phone or online, ensure you are in a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. This environment will help you focus and make the most of your session.

Have a Notebook Handy

During the reading, you might receive a lot of information. Having a notebook handy allows you to jot down key points, insights, and any advice you want to remember. This can be particularly useful for reflecting on the reading later.

During the Reading

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Stay Focused

It’s easy to get caught up in emotions during a psychic reading. Try to stay focused and present, listening carefully to what the psychic is saying. If something is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.

Manage Your Expectations

Remember that not everything in the reading will make sense immediately. Some insights may resonate with you right away, while others might become clearer over time. Keep an open mind and be patient with the process.

After the Reading

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Reflect on the Insights

Take some time after the reading to reflect on the insights and guidance you received. Review your notes and consider how the information applies to your life. Reflection can help you make the most of the advice given.

Take Action

A psychic reading can provide valuable guidance, but it’s up to you to take action. Implement any advice or suggestions that resonate with you and see how they impact your life. Remember, you have the power to shape your own future.

Follow Up if Necessary

How to Prepare for Your First Psychic Reading

Schedule Follow-Up Sessions

If you found the reading helpful, consider scheduling follow-up sessions. Regular readings can provide ongoing guidance and support as you navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

Stay in Touch with Your Psychic

Building a rapport with your psychic can enhance the quality of your readings. Don’t hesitate to stay in touch and update them on your progress. This ongoing relationship can lead to more personalized and accurate guidance in future sessions.


Preparing for your first psychic reading involves understanding what to expect, choosing the right psychic, preparing questions, and creating the right mindset. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your reading is a positive and enlightening experience. Remember to approach the session with an open mind, reflect on the insights, and take action on the guidance you receive. With the right preparation, a psychic reading can be a revolutionary pathway to personal growth and understanding. (WYS) is a trusted Etsy affiliate & Amazon Associate. We also promote certain products we've tested and approved. As such, the website features sponsored products for Amazon or Etsy or other afiliates. Should you make a purchase from a link on this website, WYS may receive a small commission. This website also hosts advertisements. Please see our policy page for further information. Thank you for your purchases, as it contributes to keeping this website online and running.