Got something to say that will inspire millions of visitors on whats-your-sign? Then share it! This is your golden opportunity to be a guest author and have your voice heard on (WYS). If you’re interested in being a featured guest author on my website, read on for more details about guest blog bennies and guidelines.
Table of Contents
Who Can Be a Guest Author for Whats-Your-Sign (WYS)?
- Anyone who wants to contribute to this thriving community about signs, symbolism, and alternative thinking.
- Anyone who has an idea or opinion that matches WYS’s niche and wants to share it with the world.
- Independent writers or bloggers looking to expand their audience.
- Marketers or promoters who are seeking advertising or backlinks (see details on this here).
Benefits Included With Your Guest Author Post on WYS
Here are a few ways being a guest author on whats-your-sign can benefit you.
Mad Props for You
If you choose, we’ll provide you with an author’s biography, which will be shown at the end of the article with your bio picture (picture is optional) and a link to your personal website – if you desire.
A Note About Backlinks
Links to websites in the author’s bio or in article content are not purposed for promotional links. Links in author’s bios or in the content are for bloggers/writers/independents running personal websites of similar or same subject matter as whats-your-sign. Bio links are meant as a professional courtesy to indie authors who write high-quality articles in WYS’s niche. See the “Promotional Articles & Fees” section if you are a marketer requesting backlinks as an SEO strategy for clients.
We’ll Make it Pretty (and findable on search engines)
We’ll add images to your article that are attractive & relevant to your brilliant blog post. If you have your own copyright-free images, I’m happy to review and publish those with your article too. We’ll also optimize images, meta-descriptions & title tags for good SEO (search engine optimization) practices. In some instances, we may have to edit or add a keyword in order to ensure your article gets ranked well on search engine results. Additionally, we have a specific SEO formula that increases the odds of your article getting highly ranked on search engines such as Google.
Social Sauce
Most guest posts are shared on WYS’s social networks, such as Facebook (20K+ followers across all accounts), Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and sometimes Instagram.
Get Noticed
Currently, WYS sees around 150,000 – 225,000 visitors per month, and traffic is constantly growing. According to Google Search Console, this site receives 2+ million clicks on their search engine inquiries per month – so we rank well in search engine results. Our domain authority score falls in the 61 – 70 range, putting WYS in an enviable position as a search-engine-recognized authority site. This potentially puts your guest post in front of the right readers (and a bunch of them, to boot). All this considered, your guest post (or link) has the potential to win you the attention for your talents and perspective you might not have on other platforms.
Good Deed Done
Okay, this might sound hokey, but contributing to WYS’s growing body of work is contributing to a good cause. This website helps millions to perceive the world in therapeutic, healing ways. You can feel good knowing you are a part of a movement that improves lives.

Writing Guidelines for Guest Authors on WYS (please read fully)
Now that we’ve talked about some of the killer benefits that come with being a featured guest author on whats-your-sign, let’s take a look at what we require from our amazing authors. Please read the criteria and requirements for submitting a guest post to
Your guest blog post should be 100% original content written by you. Your article should not be published anywhere else (including your website). This includes large chunks of content copied and pasted into your submission. All articles are run through a plagiarism checker – no articles will be accepted if not 100% original.
Niche Specific
Submissions (personal or promotional) will only be considered if the subject matter is related to the topics on WYS. Articles not similar to the subject matter of WYS will not be accepted. For example, if you submit an article about, business finance, health insurance, automobiles, or how to knit a nose-warmer, we won’t take it.
Topic Suggestions
Furthermore, if you don’t know what this website is about, perhaps we’re not a good match for collaboration. Nevertheless, here are a few of the many topics on WYS for potential guest post writing ideas:
- Astrology
- Numerology
- Signs & Symbolism
- Animal Guides & Totems
- Symbolism in Nature
- Dream Interpretation
- Meditation & Mindfulness
- Mythology
- Cultural Symbolism (Native American, Celtic, Asian, African, etc.)
- Earth Spirituality
- Self-Improvement
- Alternative Thinking
Provide Value
The whole objective of WYS is meant to help people cope, live well, and thrive in life, and we want to inspire people too. So, share personal stories or helpful tips that offer insights into how readers can learn how to live their best lives. The point is to have the reader come away from your article with a new frame of mind and/or new tools to help them live more fully.
Article Length Requirement
Articles should be 1000 or more words.
If you know about SEO (search engine optimization), then by all means, include it in your article. If you don’t know what SEO is, no worries. We’ll take care of SEO such as keyword usage. Please know that some slight word adjustments might be made to your article to accommodate for SEO keywords.
Voice, Language, & Attitude
All guest posts should be upbeat, uplifting, and positive in nature. I will not accept negative, inflammatory, or derogatory language on this website. Furthermore, if you’re linking to your website via your guest post, I will not accept links to sites that are considered offensive.
Also, I realize everybody has an opinion and a point of view. I welcome new ideas and perspectives shared on this website. However, if you notice – I’m never proselytizing or preaching a point on this website. I don’t believe we’re on this earth to convert people, so if the tone of an article is clearly meant to do so, it will not be considered. Additionally, articles that are fervently evangelical, politically, or religiously charged are probably not a good fit for this website.
WYS’s audience is primarily English-speaking. Therefore, your article should be written in fluent English. I realize everybody has their own writing style. However, if the writing is difficult to read, riddled with grammatical errors, or clearly lacking any soul – I will not accept the article.
A Note About Religion
WYS attracts soulful creatives, free-thinkers, and spiritually-minded peeps. I never speak (write) negatively about any religious beliefs. However, I’ve worked hard to stay religious-neutral, and focus more on soulful, naturally spiritual issues. Guest authors are asked to do the same and consider this website’s audience when submitting their work.
Consider Your Audience
As mentioned, guest author blog posts are about enhancing the lives of readers on WYS. Your post should be geared towards inspiring, helping, and uplifting WYS’s audience. Articles that are self-promoting, or intended to drum up sales or website traffic for a business will not be considered for publication unless you contact me to make a business arrangement for a promotional piece featured on WYS.
Edits and Use Rights
Your words are a gift to WYS and are meant to improve the lives of all who visit this website. Furthermore, your original content published on WYS will be promoted and potentially seen by millions of visitors. That said, WYS reserves the right to remove or make edits to contributing author posts at any time or for any reason.
Most edits are slight and for the purpose of search engine optimization (adding keywords for SEO), or minute grammar adjustments for ease of readability. Removal of an article is rare and typically only happens when a contributor who is sponsoring a link or product has not paid WYS for hosting an article on the website.
At the end of the day, all content on WYS is owned by WYS once published on the website and can be removed or edited at our discretion. As mentioned, articles must not be duplicated on your website or any other site – it should be 100% original if it is published on WYS.
A Word About Promotional Articles
Guest blog posts that are purely self-aggrandizing or self-promoting will not be considered. However, if you have a well-written article that promotes a service or product that is in line with the WYS’s mission, we will consider publishing it on the website. As this is essentially an advertisement for you or your agency, there is a fee we charge to provide this service to you. If you’re interested in promoting/advertising via an article submission, contact me here and we’ll discuss terms, pricing, and mutual benefits.
If you want to promote a product, service, a sales page, or get a backlink to your business website, you are still welcome to contribute an article. Marketing companies wanting backlinks for their clients are also welcome to contribute a guest article. However, there is a fee associated with sponsored/promotional links. If you’re interested in doing business with WYS in this capacity, you can contact me here and we will discuss pricing and terms.
Promotional Articles We Will NOT Accept
Articles written for promotional links must comply we the aforementioned requirements. We will not accept articles that do not match our website’s niche (see above for suggested topics that are aligned with our niche). We get a lot of guest posts that are written about a topic that has nothing to do with whats-your-sign’s POV (point of view). This is often because marketers are writing to get their link on WYS – not writing to provide value to WYS’s audience. That’s rude. Don’t do it.
We also will not accept poorly written (incorrect grammar, punctuation, poor sentence structure, etc). Also, an article that is just a pile of word-salad to get your link in will be refused. That’s rude too, so please don’t do it.
Lastly, we will not accept AI-generated articles. We have high standards for our content, which has contributed to the 15+ year-long history of being recognized as a trustworthy authority website. For this reason, we cannot compromise our status by resorting to AI-generated content.
What to Do Next?
Still with me? If you’re still interested in being featured as a guest author on, or you have questions about this service we provide – you can contact us at the email below:

Thank you for your interest in being a guest author on whats-your-sign and contributing to a thriving community of innovative thinkers and soulful peeps.
You may also be interested in contributing to our other website, – in which the same guidelines apply – but all articles must be written within the niche of tarot (tarot reading, tarot cards, tarot symbolism, etc.)
After you send your email, we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss your guest post on WYS. We’re looking forward to our win-win collaboration!
Mighty brightly,

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