Last Updated on June 22, 2021 by Avia
Goddess Symbols of Fortuna
Goddess Symbols of Fortuna
Fortuna was a major deity among the ancient Romans. In fact, she held charge of the fates of all humans in her early career as a goddess. So imagine in ancient Rome – the fate of your fortune was known and even influenced by this goddess. Later, she became a figure f other functions, but in her prime time, an entire week was devoted to celebrating her during the Festivals of Fortuna (around the summer solstice in June).
With this kind of mindset, it’s understandable why Fortuna was afforded the most luxurious kind of worship. Extravagant altars, celebrations, and placations flowed from the community to Fortuna – all in hopes to gain good fortune.
Later in history, Fortuna became more of a fertility figure. Unwed Roman women would join forces with the goddess to land an ideal mate.

Women seeking healthy pregnancies would also worship her, as Fortuna was known to be the fertility-maker of both human and earthly wombs. She put the touch of ripeness in the air, and issued insurance policies for abundance.
With all the highs to Fortuna, there are also lows. Whether in luck or fertility, Fortuna cast the die that colored the lives of ancient Romans.

“Don’t be surprised at Fortune’s turns and twists: That wheel has spun a thousand yarns before.”
Goddess Symbols of Fortuna

Because she had such massive sway, one of Fortuna’s attribute is a globe to convey the collective nature of her influence. A globe expresses her ability to oversee the world’s activities and doll out global rulings in matters of fate. Globes are also symbolic of: Inclusion, Community, Wholeness, Femininity and Protection.
Globes possess symbolic meanings of totality – both cosmic and physical. It is an icon of achievement; as if to say the whole world is “at our fingertips.” It is a symbol of comprehension too, getting the idea – or grasping the “bigger picture.” The globe is also a geometric aspect of the circle which deals with infinity, completion, cycles and totality. Read more about globe symbolism in Tarot here.

Not just for Thanksgiving anymore, the cornucopia also serves as a goddess symbol to Fortuna because it’s all about value, abundance, and infinite supply. What a great mental icon – the horn of plenty. Actually, mythology indicates it’s the horn of endless plenty. The original cornucopia was a ram or goat’s horn in Roman mythology.
The Roman god Jupiter gave a goat’s horn to his nursemaid as a reward for doing such a great job babysitting him and taking care of him as an infant. It was a magical horn of supply, and whenever the nursemaid desired something, she just made a wish, reached in the horn, and pulled out her heart’s desire. The cornucopia plays the same symbolic role with Fortuna – it represents infinite supply and lush bounty. It also represents the male aspect of fertility and reproductions (horns being a phallic symbol).

Wheels are mobile circles and remind us of the circulatory motion of wealth (fortune) in our lives. The wheel is also a sacred symbol of energy and an illustration of how energy perpetuates through everything. Always rolling, turning, and moving through all things. Just as globes are 3D symbols of circles which are symbolic of inclusion, community, and cycles – so too is the wheel.
The ancient Romans understood the revolutionary nature of life. In other words, life is not linear. Rather, it rolls in a cyclical motion with ups, downs, and revolving mobility. The wheel of Fortuna is symbolic of the cycles of life and her ability to perpetuate a fluid motion in the business of living it.
“Change yourself and fortune will change.”
~Roman Saying

Wreaths are symbolic of victory and reward granted to one who has excelled at the highest level of achievement. In ancient Rome, wreaths were made of laurel leaves or olive branches to name a few. The material in which they were constructed would depend upon the god, goddess, or ceremony.
Fortuna’s wreath would have been woven with Narcissus blossoms to represent beauty, love, fertility and amorous attraction. Wreaths are also a feminine symbol as their curved semi-circle shape is reminiscent of the womb. These aspects all intertwine with Fortuna’s role as both fertility goddess and fortune-caterer. More about symbolic wreath meaning here.

Flower meanings, when connected with goddess symbols almost always indicate fertility, elegance, and beauty. Interestingly, flowers are some of the most delicate things on this planet – but they are also the strongest. This is the role of any goddess worth her salt, especially Fortuna. She is strong, and endures great challenges.
Yet she remains poised, graceful, and lovely in her position of authority. Appropriately, flowers and the goddess Fortuna’s meanings both stand for blessings. In Roman cultures, flowers are considered to be a sign of good things to come – a good omen. The goddess Fortuna is also a presence of good luck and a promise of success in the future. Get more about the symbolic meaning of flowers here.
I hope you enjoyed these thoughts on goddess symbols of Fortuna. This article on the goddess Fortuna was intended to bring insight and history on this long-forgotten, yet still powerful deity. Her symbols here are meant to expand her meaning and personality in history.
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As always, thanks so much for reading. May all your fortunes be illuminating. Avia
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