Last Updated on October 7, 2023 by Avia
A Tribute to Our Beloved Dog Spirits
Our Dog Brothers and Sisters A Tribute to Our Beloved Dog Spirits: The following is a contemplative essay written by my BFF, Dave Crotty. I was struck by the soulfulness of his essay. It’s so meaningfully written, I simply had to include it on the website.
Why? Because I figured if it moved me, it might move others. His essay is a poignant reminder of the bond between humans and canines. It also underscores the epic influence our dog brothers and sisters have on our lives.
Reading Dave’s words hammered home the truth that the spirit of our dog family members is binding. As binding as a dogs’ loyalty. So much so, that dog spirits are unbreakable and strongly linked to us.
As you read Dave’s thoughts, I encourage you to dive into your own dog spirit experiences. Remember your time with that special family member that walks on fours. Consider their spirits…because that’s really what this post is about. It’s about the spirit of our dog brothers and sisters. They are forever woven into our hearts. Therefore, their spirit, and our family connection can never be lost.
A long time ago, I learned something vitally important – in science class of all places. I was told that energy can never be destroyed, only transformed. I was reminded of this powerful wisdom while reading Dave’s post. Dave knows that the energy of his dog family is forever. Furthermore, that energy is forever linked to him.
I hope you are as affected by Dave’s insights as I was. His wisdom and obvious adoration for his dog family really struck a chord with me. I’m betting it will for you too. Thanks Dave, for insightful connections, and for reminding us all of the endless enrichment our dogs provide. From life-lessons to unconditional love. From companionship to unquestioning loyalty. Dave seals these powerful realities with sensitivity and eloquence.
Enjoy and thanks for reading!

Our Dog Brothers and Sisters
A Tribute to Our Beloved Dog Spirits
By: Dave Crotty
The spirit of the forest, streams, and sky are my brothers, and sisters. Although we are all connected, it is my dog spirits – my dog brothers and sisters – that are my closest kin.
I gaze at the dwindling firelight, its warmth and security dimming like the memories of old. The light is fading, not quickly mind you, but constant. As the darkness claims its place, I become more aware. I am starting to see things lost to me in the light.
What are these presences I feel around me? They do not move, yet I hear them breathe. As my eyes adjust to the ever increasing night, I realize I am in the company of friends. My dogs. They are my sisters, and my kindred spirits.
Some may say, they are man’s best friend. I know they are my best friends. They are my dogs. They are powerful spirits. They are my guardians. They will take a small kindness, and transform it into a lifelong friendship.
As I stand by this fire, I sometimes get caught up in the workings of man. Soulfully searching for answers to my troubles. All the while, my dog spirits watch over me.
They do not require much, a simple touch, a gently spoken word. These are the things that the dogs live for.
I was still a small child when I was introduced to my dear dog sister. I thought: What a strange, and curious little creature. So full happiness and energy. From that day on, I knew we would be inseparable.

As the days, and years pressed on, the bond between us grew. My dog sister would teach me the important things in life. Things you cannot learn in a classroom, like: Love, Trust, Companionship. These are not difficult concepts. They are the foundation of what we call happiness. Dog spirits are wise in their application.
As with all things, time will have its due. I found myself growing stronger, while my dog sister grew old and weak. One day, my dog sister was gone. Never more to walk by my side. Although she is with her ancestors, the lessons she so willfully gave will be with me forever. The spirit of my dog sister lives with me. I love you dog sister, as I love all the dog spirits that dwell with and within me.
Special thanks to Dave Crotty for this reflective, meaningful essay. Dave is a regular contributor to this website. His openness to living a deeper, more symbolic life has made a big impact on my work and I’m hugely grateful for his creative insights.
More thanks to Dave for the dog pictures he took and allowed me to publish on this post. If you liked this, then you might also enjoy an article I wrote about about Gods and Goddesses Associated with Dogs here.
I hope you enjoyed this article: Our Dog Brothers and Sisters A Tribute to Our Beloved Dog Spirits. If you did, don’t miss the links at the end of this page about meaningful dog insights.
Thanks for reading and canine blessings to you!
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