Last Updated on November 10, 2020 by Avia
Definition of Mandala and Different Mandala Meaning
Some thoughts about mandala meaning and the definition of mandala…
I included this Definition of Mandala page (in addition to the mandala meaning page) for further clarification due to the many schools of thought surrounding the use of mandalas.
This page is a supplement that deals with defining terms surrounding the mandala. For information on how to use mandalas, below is a brief definition of mandala, but also many other definitions – primarily of the Hindu ilk. It is my belief that by understanding these terms and other cultural uses, we may more clearly understand the nature of the mandala’s origins & purpose.
As always, I have taken great care in obtaining the most accurate information. However, this is merely a brief summation of a very in-depth subject. Furthermore, I encourage an independent pursuit of knowledge if this is a subject of intense interest.
With that said let’s get on with our definition of mandala and other related terms.
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
~Mahatma Gandhi

Mandala Definition and Other Related Terms
♦ Mandala:
The definition of mandala literally means “circle”. It’s when we define mandala in energetic terms we find that mandala meaning deals with a visual aid that pulls in the human consciousness. That’s why mandalas are so effective in meditation. The circular, often concentric design of mandalas tends to visually magenetize consciousness and awareness, allowing focus to draw inward – which is a wanted result in meditation.
♦ Chakra:
The term chakra is Sanskrit, and it means “wheel”. There are seven prime energy centers of the body according to Indian tradition, and these are represented visually by chakras. Learn more about the chakra symbols here.
♦ Maha:
Maha means “great” or “supreme” – in other words…big juju. 🙂
♦ Vidya:
Vidya means, literally, “wisdom” – particularly of the feminine kind. You will see the two words “maha” and “vidya” together, and that means great wisdom of the goddess (generally). See more on this under the mahavidya section of this page to follow.
♦ Shri:
Shri simply means “holy” or “sacred”. In reference to the mandala, one may see the term “shrimandala” this simply means a holy or sacred mandala used for the purpose of expressing that which is divine, or inducing a holy/sacred meditative state.
♦ Mantra:
A mantra is a sound or layers of sound with inherently great power. It is essentially the sound of the god or goddess. Often the sound “aum” is used in a meditative mantra because it is the harmonic divine sound of god. If you think about it, the “ah” sound is evident in almost all terms for god (God, Allah, Buddha, Jehova, etc). Use a mantra when you wish to focus your consciousness off of the external/material/banal world and move it inward into the realm of god.
♦ Yantra:
A yantra combines both the concept of mandala and mantra. It is a visual mantra, actually. A yantra embodies the sound of god in a visual symbol or icon. It commonly is a geometric representation of the goddess or devi in Hindu wisdom.

What Are Mahavidyas?
Taking the definitions above in consideration, Mahavidya is literally translated to mean “supreme wisdom.” Mahavidyas are representative of the ten dominant Hindu goddesses. They are symbols of the whole gamut of feminine divinity. Primarily, they are depicted as extremely powerful goddesses to be reckoned with in the Hindu bevy of devi’s.
The ten Mahavidyas are as follows:
- Kali
- Tara
- Tripu Sundari (aka Shri or Shodashi)
- Bhuvaneshvari
- Tripur Bhairavi
- Chinnamasta
- Dhumavati
- Bagalamukhi
- Matangi
- Kamla
What are the Chakra Symbol Mandalas?
These are symbols that represent the seven wheels or energy centers of the body (spiritual and physical).
Briefly, the chakra symbols are listed here in order:
- Root/Muladhara
- Sacrum/Swadhisthana
- Solar Plexus/Manipura
- Heart/Anahata
- Throat/Visuddha
- Third Eye/Ajna
- Crown/Sahasrara
For more information on chakra symbols, please click here.
I hope you enjoyed these thoughts on the definition of mandala. Find more information on mandalas, and symbolic meanings by following the in-site links listed at the end of this page.
Thanks for reading, and happy meditations!
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