Last Updated on March 12, 2021 by Avia
Chinese Zodiac Animals and The Chinese New Year
Chinese Zodiac Animals and Their Influence on the Chinese New Year: At the time of this writing, the Chinese New Year is approaching in just a few days. In light of this upcoming occasion, I thought it would be fun to take a look at Chinese zodiac signs, and give a symbolic summary according to the Chinese zodiac animal ruling over each year.To explain, each year is associated with a unique animal in the annual procession of time in China. A different animal governs a particular year and imbues its attributes for that year. In other words, a Chinese zodiac animal energizes, characterizes and flavors the year in which it is featured.
For example, I’m a Rat, and 2008 (a year of the Rat) was an electric time for me. Lots of shifting, lots of activity, and lots of corollaries in my life that matched up with the personality of my governing Chinese zodiac sign.

“The signs of the zodiac are karmic patterns;
the stars and planets are the loom
and our will is the weaver.”
Your Chinese zodiac sign is determined according to the year you were born. So, if you were born in 1990 – you’re sign is the Horse – that’s the year of the Horse in the Chinese lunar calendar. As it happens, this upcoming Chinese New year (2014) celebrates the year of the Horse. So, effectually, this year – the year of the Horse – will have some major equine influences upon your life and experiences this year.
Chinese zodiac animals will also express global influences. To wit, 2001, the year of the Snake, was an extraordinarily tough year for a lot of people. Some characteristics of the Snake were highly evident on a global scale. That’s not to say the Snake is a bad omen – but it’s good to have an understanding of each animal and their potential behaviors within their featured year.
So how do you know what your Chinese zodiac sign is, or which animal is overseeing a current year?
Easy. I’ve got a handy-dandy Chinese Zodiac chart for you. Just look up the year you were born (or the current year), and follow it to your Chinese zodiac animal. Whammo! Now you’re in the know.

Now that you know your Chinese zodiac animal – or the animal sign that rules the current year, let’s take a look at the various influences this zodiac sign has over the course of its annual governance.
Note: You can read each sign to gain insight about your own personality -or- refer to each sign for the feel and flavor that’s injected into the current year. Remember, each Chinese animal zodiac sign will greatly influence the year in which it governs.
Chinese Zodiac Animal Meanings and How They Relate to the Chinese New Year
Rat Chinese Zodiac Animal Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Clever, Alert, Resourceful, Imaginative, Flexible | Personality Deficits: Overly independent, Indulgent, Excessively unconventional |
Loves: New ideas, new places, anything that inspires passion | Loathes: Feeling trapped, conformity, routine, boredom |
Positive Statement: “I gotta be me! I gotta be free!” | Negative Statement: “Leave me alone. I know what I’m doing.” |
What the Rat Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Rat:
The Chinese new year that falls in the domain of the rat is replete with cliff-hangers, twisty turns and unpredictable energy. If you are a rat sign, then you are likely one of the few who survive a year of the rat with gains and advantages where others signs are not so fortunate. Why? Because this year has tons of frenetic energy, and it requires resourcefulness and flexibility. Your ability to be clever, quick-thinking and resourceful means you can see opportunities in the midst of chaos in the year of the rat. Your skill to make changes and adapt will be incredibly advantageous in your year of the rat. Get more about the Rat Chinese zodiac sign meaning here.
Ox Chinese Zodiac Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Responsible, Patient, Balanced | Personality Deficits: Overly stubborn, Resistant to change, Sore loser |
Loves: Nature/Outdoors, Work with purpose, Honesty | Loathes: Waste/Squandering resources, Deception, Feeling trapped |
Positive Statement: “Trust me. I got this.” | Negative Statement: “If it’s not my way, take the highway.” |
What the Ox Sign Might Expect in the Chinese New Year of the Ox:
The year of the Ox and the Ox sign are poised for accomplishment. This year for this sign represents challenges, that are hand-in-hand with great opportunities. This year has plodding-along energy, which jives with the strategic patience posses by the Ox sign. Your ability to act pragmatically and practically will serve you well in the year of the Ox. Get more about your Ox Chinese zodiac sign meanings here.
Tiger Chinese Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Energetic, Strong, Generous, Courageous | Personality Deficits: Sometimes selfish, Overly impulsive, Egotistical tendencies |
Loves: Solving problems, Being the hero, Taking chances | Loathes: Poverty, Being ignored, Criticism, Hypocrites |
Positive Statement: “I am the master of my domain. Lean on me for real results.” | Negative Statement: “If you can’t see my majesty…your loss.” |
What the Tiger Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Tiger:
The Chinese new year of the Tiger and the Tiger sign might find themselves in for a wild ride. The year of the Tiger can have erratic energy. This is welcomed energy for the Tiger sign who embraces games of chance and loves the unknowns in life. If you are a Tiger in this year, you will likely receive lots of challenges that threaten to take you off-center. Luckily, you like to be on top of your game, and you are skilled to face each unexpected twist in the road with courage and strength. Get more about your Tiger Chinese zodiac sign meaning here.
Hare – Rabbit Chinese Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Honest, Resourceful, Observant | Personality Deficits: Overly conservative, Overly reserved, Shy, Fearful |
Loves: Being helpful, Providing, Creature comforts | Loathes: Taking sides, Conflict/Arguments, Frivolous action, Disloyalty |
Positive Statement: “Preparation is the best path to success. I can’t rush perfection.” | Negative Statement: “Call me when the chaos is over. You can find me stuffed in my comfort zone.” |
What the Hare / Rabbit Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Rabbit:
The Chinese new year of the Rabbit can be frenetic for a Rabbit sign. There is a lot of energy getting bandied about in this year, which might be hard for the Rabbit sign to swallow. It’s that need to take things in a very conservative manner that holds this sign back from moving through potentially tumultuous times this year implies. Get more information about your Rabbit Chinese zodiac sign meaning here.
Dragon Chinese Animal Zodiac Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Protective, Discerning, Lucky, Dynamic | Personality Deficits: Petulant, Sometimes overly zealous, Dominating |
Loves: Educating others, Conquering the impossible, Freedom | Loathes: Stagnation, Politics, Conformity, Labels |
Positive Statement: “My vision is expansive. My ways are mysterious but effective.” | Negative Statement: “I pity the fool who cannot recognize the magic inherent in the world around them.” |
What the Dragon Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Dragon:
The Dragon Chinese zodiac sign in the year of the Dragon can be a splitting experience. Meaning, this year and sign conjoined can reap tremendous benefits yet also potential disaster. This is because this year and sign combined are a power-packed duo. The energy can be polarizing. It’s best to stick to what the Dragon knows best in the Chinese new year of the Dragon in order to maintain stability, order and balance. The Dragon has a tendency to be a broad-minded thinker, a dreamer…and this year wants the same, but the tricky bit is that this year is also replete with unexpected shifts, and that requires prudent and practical strategies, which is something the Dragon sign struggles with at times. Get more about your Dragon Chinese zodiac sign meaning here.
Snake Chinese Zodiac Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Healing, Sensual, Flexible, Wise, Orderly | Personality Deficits: Willful, Potentially vindictive, Abrasive, Overly opinionated |
Loves: Philosophical endeavors, Employing strategy, Refinery, Assisting others | Loathes: Routine, Disorder, Feeling helpless, Being misjudged |
Positive Statement: “I attain wisdom through sensing my world freely through my body, mind and soul.” | Negative Statement: “Keep your opinion to yourself. I have plenty of my own that serve me just fine.” |
What the Snake Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Snake:
The energy backing the Chinese new year of the Snake holds hands with the Snake sign. This means for every twisty turn this year present, the Snake sign is capable of facing it effectively and with intense insight. The only problem this year might present for the Snake is ‘low tide’ moments when you might feel ineffective (or worse, bored). It is an active year that wants the Snake to burrow through problems in a very innovative way. If downtime is experienced during the year of the Snake, beware…because that could trap the Snake sign into depression. Get more about your snake Chinese zodiac sign meaning here.
Horse Chinese Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Entrepreneurial, Determined, Cooperative, Energetic | Personality Deficits: Potentially unstable, Often impatient, Sometimes intolerant |
Loves: Giving to others, Winning, Being in successful partnerships | Loathes: Being taken advantage of or underappreciated, Not being recognized for their potential |
Positive Statement: “My diversity is my finest asset. I am sublime at providing solutions.” | Negative Statement: “Disappoint me, and I’ll buck. If you can’t keep up with me, then move out of the way.” |
What the Horse Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Horse:
The Chinese new year of the Horse offers galloping adventures and opportunities for the Horse Chinese zodiac sign. You may expect some revolutionary advancements in this year, and you will have the energy to leap over the hurdles this year may present. If you align with that restless energy and maintain proper balance, this year matched with your sign can yield incredible potential. Get more about the Horse Chinese zodiac sign meaning here.
Goat – Sheep Zodiac Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Flexible, Resourceful, Easy-Going | Personality Deficits: Easily distracted, Potentially inconsistent, Possibly needful |
Loves: Beautiful surroundings, security, peace | Loathes: Overburdened with responsibility, Being forced or coerced, Financial duties |
Positive Statement: “Give me space and I will manifest extraordinary beauty.” | Negative Statement: “I will follow you anywhere, even if you might be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” |
What the Goat Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Goat – Sheep:
The Chinese new year of the Goat coupled with the Goat sign is a good time to get things in order within the herd. You will find this is an optimal year to get your house in order and re-assess relationships. Resist the urge to follow trends while you try to reconstruct the stability you require to live your life fully. Get more about the meaning of the Goat Chinese zodiac sign here.
Monkey Chinese Animal Zodiac Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Cunning, Adaptable, Humorous, Surprising | Personality Deficits: Sometimes prone to feel superior to others, Potential to judge others, Opinionated |
Loves: Ability to move freely, free-flowing conversation, caring for others’ needs | Loathes: Feeling isolated or left out of the scene, Not being consulted, Dissatisfaction in work |
Positive Statement: “I adapt. I persevere. My antics are my best assets.” | Negative Statement: “If you are not with me, you are against me, and this is your biggest failure.” |
What the Monkey Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Monkey:
The Chinese new year of the Monkey combined with the sign of the Monkey will swing upon the branches of opportunity as well as challenges. If you have the sign of the Monkey, this will likely find you energized, as long as others are willing to listen to your advice and follow your guidance. The challenges proposed in the year of the Monkey include instability and unpredictability. However, you are accustomed to these environments and should fair well in your common year shared with your sign. Get more about Monkey Chinese zodiac sign meaning here.
Rooster Chinese Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Confidence, Leadership, Honesty | Personality Deficits: Potential selfishness, Vanity, Recklessness |
Loves: Admiration and recognition from others, Socializing and being the center of attention | Loathes: Feeling exposed or vulnerable, Too much interference, Lack of control |
Positive Statement: “My confidence is cultivated from integrity and righteousness.” | Negative Statement: “Prepare to meet your match, or suffer your demise.” |
What the Rooster Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Rooster:
The Chinese new year of the Rooster will be a groundbreaking year for the sign of the Rooster. Many advances are available to this sign in this year. You may find yourself on the brink of a new field of work or in new social circles. Due to your confidence, you are willing (and even energized) to take on these situations. Get more about Rooster Chinese zodiac sign meanings here.
Dog Chinese Animal Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Observant, Sensitive, Loyal | Personality Deficits: Second-guessing intuition, Denying instinct, Overly affectionate |
Loves: Recognition, Appreciation, Honesty, Valuable service to others | Loathes: Drama, Dishonesty, Inactivity, Lack of purpose |
Positive Statement: “I am constant. It is not in my nature to shirk my honored duties.” | Negative Statement: “Cross me. I dare you. We will see what happens.” |
What the Dog Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Dog:
Hold on to your leashes. The Chinese new year of the dog can present big diversions and distractions for the zodiac sign of the Dog. That’s okay. Just stay focused when you feel unstable. Recognize that you must stray away from drama or hyperbole. Stick to your roots, and remain grounded. Ride this year out with as much stability as possible. Get more about the Dog Chinese zodiac sign meaning here.
Pig – Boar Chinse Sign Personality Traits
Personality Assets: Patient, Sincere, Unassuming, Kind, Trust-worthy, Formidable | Personality Deficits: Potentially defiant/stubborn, Intolerant, Sometimes complacent (prefers comfort), Isolated |
Loves: Freedom to roam, Simple pleasures, Feeling rooted or grounded (comfortable in surroundings), Physical contact | Loathes: Feeling awkward in social settings, Lies, Abuse (typically of others), manipulation, Lack of attention |
Positive Motto: “I provide comfort in extreme times of need.” | Negative Motto: “I know best. My way is the only way. Sod off if you think otherwise.” |
What the Pig / Boar Sign Might Expect in the Year of the Boar:
The Pig / Boar Chinese zodiac sign will find him or herself challenged within her own Chinese new year of the Boar. This is because there might be great opposition between changes in the year and the Boar’s ability to be flexible within that year. This is a strange concoction of push-pull and yin-yang for the Boar. This year begs the Boar to explore, but the Boar sign might want to revert to safer harbors rather than follow the changes in the wind. Get more about the Boar / Pig Chinese zodiac meaning here.
Well, in the immortal words of Porky Pig…”Tttthat’s all folks!” Actually, that’s not all. There’s a lot more to Chinese zodiac animals and how they influence the Chinese New Year than what I’ve written here. In fact, there’s tons more intricacies to Chinese astrology. I highly encourage you to do more research into this fascinating realm of wisdom. You can kick off your research by checking out the links at the end of this page. You’ll find related articles there, including an ancillary page on Chinese zodiac animals, yin yang meanings, and more.
Thanks for reading, and may all of your Chinese New Year’s be prosperous ones.
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