Last Updated on January 25, 2023 by Avia
Celtic Meaning: Symbolic Archetypes
Celtic Meaning Symbolic Archetypes – What They Are and Why They Are Important in Our Lives: This landing page for Celtic Meaning of Symbolic Archetypes is a way to classify and organize various Celtic archetypal symbolism I’ve written about over the years.
According to Webster’s Dictionary, an archetype is:
1.) An original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a prototype.
2) An inherited unconscious idea, pattern, thought or image universally present in individual psyches.
What does that mean in the context of symbolic Celtic meaning? It means we can learn so much from the ancient wisdom available to us, and apply this wisdom to our modern lives. Doing so bridges the gap so we can make connections for the purpose of personal development, problem-solving and gaining a broader view of our lives, our community and environment.

“The Gods and Goddesses of myth, legend and fairy tale represent archetypes, real potencies and potentialities deep within the psyche, which, when allowed to flower permit us to be more fully human.”
~Margot Adler
Focus upon these symbols can bring about the manifestation of that personality trait within the observer. This is when archetypes become profound catalysts for transformation.
Whether the archetype (the original pattern or model) is a tree, animal or a specific characteristic inherent within the collective human psyche (patience, courage, etc.), the core message is clear: The Celtic meaning of symbolic archetypes gives us a foothold on the kind of vision we have for ourselves and our lives.
We owe a great debt to the Celts (and other heritages who have systematized symbolic perennial wisdom) for doing the groundwork on the complexities of archetypal knowledge. With their insight as a foundation, there is no limit to the expansion of our understanding in the realm of deeper meaning for our lives.
Simply click on the links below for various examples detailing the Celtic meaning of symbolic archetypes.

“We have to destroy the stereotypes and replace them with archetypes.”
~Ben Kingsley
Examples Of Celtic Meaning Found In Symbolic Archetypes

Celtic Gods and Goddesses
Who was Taranis and why was he such a favorite at parties? Find out the answer to this and many more of your questions about Celtic Gods and Goddesses.

Celtic Tattoo History
Studies deduce that Celts were probably really big on tattoos. We’re not talking a rose on the cheek. More like full sleeves, along with full chest and back pieces. Check out this page for examples of the art, and learn how they “got inked.”

Celtic Symbol for Warrior
A common question from visitors is “What is the Celtic symbol for warrior.” Although not a clear-cut answer, this page outlines some possibilities.

Celtic Meaning for Purity
How did the ancients express the concept of purity? Check this page out for some ideas on the Celtic symbol for purity.

Celtic Goddess Danu
However, I’ve devoted an entire page to ruminations about this Celtic goddess. I invite you to join me in exploring the answers to the question, “Who is Danu?”

Celtic Symbols of the Tuatha De Danann
Exploration of the Celtic symbols of the Tuatha de Danann. Their properties, associations and magical influences described here

Blodeuwedd herself has several lessons to impart (as is the case with all myths, there is always a moral involved). She was magically conjured up by Gwydion and Math who wanted to provide Lleu Llaw Gyffes a bride. Learn more about Blodeuwedd through her symbols here: Celtic Symbols of Blodeuwedd and Their Meanings

Also known as the “horned one,” Cernunnos is an endlessly fascinating figure among the Celtic pantheon. This page discusses the god from a different tact. Sure, he’s virile, fertile, and wild – but we can learn far more about Cernunnos from his symbols, and that’s what this page sets out to do. Learn more about Cernunnos through his symbols here: Celtic Symbols of Cernunnos and Their Meanings
I hope you enjoy looking through these pages of Celtic Meaning of Symbolic Archetypes. Check out more Celtic meanings and symbolism by accessing the links to in-site articles offered at the end of this page.