Last Updated on January 24, 2021 by Avia
Celtic Meaning: Fir Tree Meaning in the Druid Ogham
Exploring Celtic Meaning: Fir Tree Symbolism One of the nine sacred woods of used for a sabbat fire the Druids held the fir in high esteem. It is a symbol of honesty, truth and forthrightness because of the way it grows on the “straight and narrow.” The trunk of the fir reminds us of a tall straight pillar of strength, a symbolic tower of truth.
Grouped together, they are a symbol of friendship. This symbolism is furthered by the fact that firs are evergreens. As they never loose their green vibrancy – they are a reminder of the life-long connections we share with our friends.

Furthermore, their evergreen nature signifies hope, promise and renewal in the midst of the long, dark winter months. Celebrations and rituals centered around the fir, setting intentions for the upcoming abundant spring. In fact, the fir has evolved into what is more commonly known as our modern day Christmas tree with it’s tradition spanning back to ancient times (more on the Christmas tree symbolism here).
The ancient Celts recognized the fir’s ability to outlive and outlast most other trees, and so gave it representations of resilience and longevity. The fir also survives in torrid conditions and is able to survive in challenging weather as well as substandard soils. Truly, the fir is a symbol of endurance and determination.
Symbolic Celtic Meaning of the Fir Tree
- Honesty
- Progress
- Longevity
- Resilience
- Friendship
- Remembrance
- Perceptiveness

“The high-minded man must care more for honesty
than for what other people think.”
The Celts and Druids also recognized the fir to be a portent of weather conditions. They noticed that the cones would open to the rays of the sun, and close against impending rain. This lent meanings of prophecy and perception to the long list of symbolic meanings of the fir.
Lastly, legend has it that firs were markers for important grave sites for the Druids and Celts. It is said that even from a great distance, certain firs could be identified as the markers of great chieftains and heroes among the Celtic people. Thus, the fir is also considered a symbol for reverence and remembrance to brave souls that have passed on to the Otherworlds.
I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on the symbolic meaning of the fir tree from the Celtic cultural perspective.
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