8 Pythagorean Maxims for Wisdom
Pythagoras was a pretty cool dude. Over 2500 years ago in Greece, he was a preeminent mathematician, and is even credited for the Pythagorean Theorem …
Tips on Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings
Pythagoras was a pretty cool dude. Over 2500 years ago in Greece, he was a preeminent mathematician, and is even credited for the Pythagorean Theorem …
Most law of attraction believers understand that your ideas and emotions create your reality. Studies show that the energy you send out into the world …
Writing can be a daunting task, but a few techniques can take your writing craft to another level. For instance, you can set certain times …
Meditation is a powerful weapon to relieve stress and increase focus and concentration. In addition, it helps bring inner peace. The benefits of meditation are …
When you think of automatic writing, what comes to your mind? A lot of people might be curious about it but may not know the …
If you’re looking for ways to reinforce the concept of wisdom in your life, perhaps you might want to incorporate symbols for wisdom in your …
I have a few evergreens around the house and they mean infinitely more to me than mere landscape features. They are particularly uplifting this time …
What draws your attention? Are there things that tug at the shirt tales of your awareness? What sparkles within your cosmic eye that utterly consumes …
Thoughts About Looking at the Meaning of Obstacles and Ways to Cope With Challenges: You can’t get out of this life without facing some challenges …
Any youngster subjected to vacation Bible school remembers the story about God sending a rainbow to the world after the Great Flood. I was enchanted …
The Tale of Two Wolves: Lessons in Focus & AttentionWe are What we Feed I had a mentor in my formidable years. Her name was …
Natural Symbols for Survivor I often get requests from folks wanting symbols for survivor. It’s understandable, as we are all trying to find symbolic hooks …
Tips to the Ageless Question, “What Does This Mean?” (and I get a little cranky) Whether the symbolic topic is about recurring number sighting or …
Symbolic Meaning and Tips About Walking a Labyrinth: The idea behind walking a labyrinth is to move out of one perspective into another one. A …
Akashic Record Meaning Simplifying Akashic record meaning. This concept is not the easiest nut to crack. Let’s start with the meaning of the word. The …
I’ve been thinking about the meaning of crossroads lately…probably because many of us (self included) are finding ourselves at a crossroads. We seem to be …
Using pictograms to help with interpreting symbolic meanings: Stumped about a symbolic meaning? It happens. Sometimes, symbolic phenomenon crops up in our awareness, and we …
Symbolism vs. Superstition, what’s the difference between the two? This question came from an email sent by an avid fan of whats-your-sign.com (thanks Annabel). It’s …