Thunder Moon: Full Moon of July Meanings, Names, Ways to Celebrate, and More
As the warm summer nights stretch out before us, the full moon of July brings with it a sense of magic and wonder. Known by …
Tips on Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings
As the warm summer nights stretch out before us, the full moon of July brings with it a sense of magic and wonder. Known by …
With Father’s Day fast approaching, I thought it might be a good idea to talk about fathers in mythology. Specifically, father gods we can investigate …
In Hindu mythology, animals play a crucial role in representing various virtues and beliefs. From elephants to tigers, each creature holds significant symbolism that reflects …
The Triple Goddess is a concept that has been present in myth, legend, and lore for centuries. Representing the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, …
Throughout history, cultures around the world have revered and celebrated the feminine divine in various forms. One of the most common representations is that of …
Have you ever heard of the legendary bird man demigod known as Garuda? This powerful creature has been revered in various cultures throughout history, from …
From ancient myths to modern-day tattoos, this tiny feathered creature holds a special place in various cultures across the globe. This graceful, elegant bird holds …
Spring is one of the most important seasons in many cultures and religions, as it is a time of renewal, growth, and fertility. In many …
Flowers have always been used to symbolize emotions, beliefs, and values. Different types of flowers have different spiritual meanings in different cultures and traditions around …
The journey to a spiritual awakening requires a regular commitment to meaningful inner exploration. This may include rituals that help you connect deeply with the …
Spring is in the air! With the arrival of warmer weather and blooming flowers, it’s time to celebrate Ostara – the vernal equinox that marks …
The dualistic idea that seemingly diametrically opposed traits can coexist quietly and harmoniously is symbolized by the classical Chinese symbols for yin and yang (or …
I’m a big proponent of the adage, “we make our own luck.” What I mean by that is with hard work, perseverance, planning, and awareness …
Mushrooms have been around since the dawn of mankind, and they have been used for many purposes throughout history. From food to medicine to religious …
The moon has long been a symbol of power, mystery, and feminine energy. So, it comes as no surprise that many moon goddesses around the …
Snow is one of nature’s most powerful forces, and it has been revered by cultures across the world for millennia. Snow deities (snow gods and …
Armenian gods and mythology is a segment of cultural beliefs originating with the Armeno-Aryan people, an Indo-European nation thriving in the region of the Near …
The Gaia goddess is a powerful symbol of strength and vitality. She is often portrayed as a beautiful woman with long hair and a flowing …