Last Updated on August 30, 2021 by Avia
Direct Message from the Butterfly Totem
Insights into butterfly totem messages: Consider the butterfly talking to directly. These are a few things the butterfly totem might want to share with you…
“When I flutter into your world, I am a true sign of joy in the process of transformation. In other words, embrace change. I am all about the transition from one state into another. Who would ever think a chubby caterpillar-like me could transform into an entirely different organism!?! It’s a big lesson and a wide view of butterfly meanings.
My presence in your life is a cue to be patient with yourself in this moment. I’m also here to encourage you to push towards self-improvement. Why? Because I am an icon for positive, forward movement. Let’s face it. I go through extraordinary transitions. Each phase of my life is vital to me, to my offspring and to the environment.
So when I come to you – consider the demands upon you right now. Maybe those demands are on your path to provoke changes for your best self. Be easy with yourself. Accept who you are right now, and know that you are destined for great things. Your ability to seek out higher horizons is limitless. This is the essence of my butterfly messages and meanings.

“The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time for both.”
~ Rabindranath Tagore
As you move through your transitions, realize it’s not always easy. My change from caterpillar to butterfly is a struggle. Any kind of growth requires a bit of sacrifice. That’s what the term ‘growing pains’ is all about. Transformation comes with a price. So continue to be loving towards yourself. Understand that within you is infinite beauty and the ability to spread your wings and fly. Always keep this in mind when I light upon your awareness.
Another thing to keep in mind is the process of migration. I travel long and far to achieve my life’s purpose. Sometimes the journey is hard. That’s just the way life is. I’m here to encourage you to never give up on your purpose.
I’m here to remind you to never quit your dreams. Mostly, I show up when you need inspiration while you journey into different places or phases in your life. I’ll be your guardian and let you know you can do this! You can move through transition and reach your destinations with grace. My best butterfly meanings are all about inspiring you to push forward because who you are on the other side of your transformation is mind-blowing and brilliant!”
In conclusion, I hope you’ve enjoyed these thoughts on symbolic butterfly totem messages.
As always, thank you for reading!
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