Last Updated on March 12, 2021 by Avia
Exploring Boar / Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign Meaning
Boar – Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign Meaning and Chinese New Year: The Boar or Pig Chinese zodiac sign is renowned for sincerity and honesty. In fact, some of my Pig pals will admit – they simply can’t tell a lie. They’re completely transparent. The minute they try to embark on a mistruth, their facial expression gives them away, or they pour rivers of sweat, or they start fidgeting…you get the idea. They just can’t mislead to save their lives. This, of course, if a very good thing.
With their sincerity, also comes a lack of ulterior motive. If you want an honest day’s work, hire a Pig contractor. If you want a fair trial – pray for a Pig judge. These people walk the straight line. They have a moral compass that is unwavering in the direction of good intentions and sincerity. Pigs also have an element of innocence that is both charming and captivating. They see the world with childlike wonder. They have a hard time conceiving the idea there are bad people out there who enjoy doing bad things. Although they intellectually know bad people and bad stuff happens in the world – on some level, the whole idea is completely foreign to them. The cannot relate to people who or mean, or people who treat others with disrespect. In fact, they avoid these people like the plague. Good on you, Pig, good on you.

Pigs are also unpretentious. They couldn’t give a hoot about status, fame or accomplishments. The Pig can dress up to the nine’s at a fancy dinner party – but if they run into someone who is constantly touting about their achievements – the Pig will quietly scoot away from the conversation. This action comes from a place of not requiring confirmation from others. Consequently, the Pig doesn’t readily give a pat on the back to those who expect it. They just don’t care about the Mazaratti in the Jones’ garage. They could care less that their sister’s cousin won a Grammy award. They don’t care that their brother is a hot-shot Stock Market guru. To the Pig, these things are inconsequential. They don’t need to prove themselves to others, and so they don’t expect other people to prove themselves either.
Family and home-life, however, is huge for the Pig. Give the Pig a home and piglets to nurture, and that sign is in ‘hog-heaven’. Of course, every Pig is different. Sometimes friends and co-workers are stand-in’s for a family unit. What’s most important to a Pig is a sense of belonging. A Pig needs to know she has a place in the world, that she is loved. Equally vital to the Pig is the ability to express love to others in an unconditional, no-strings-attached way. Because the Pig has no ulterior motive, they must have free reign to love like a child. They love fully, and with innocence. They love from a place of purity and generosity.

Some things to be wary of: That childlike innocence is such an amazing quality. It can also be a hindrance if not balanced properly in life. The Pig can be extraordinarily sensitive. They can also be remarkably gullible. They really want to believe the best, and they invest in things with the best intentions. This quick-to-trust position often gets them in a snag with people who are eager to take advantage. Be wary if something sounds too good to be true. Use the innate intelligence that is associated with the Pig. You have the skills to discern the truth. But sometimes you may find you want so badly to believe in the best of a person (or investment or product or whatever). Be open, retain your childlike wonder – but not to the extent you get duped
Mythology and Legends About the Pig – Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign
While some cultures have painted a pretty poor picture of the pig, in Chinese myth and legend, the pig is a positive sign for power, strength and virility. It is also considered sincere and unpretentious. Because of its reputation for sincerity, the pig was the last creature to show up in the line-up of zodiac animals. It was too humble to show up first, and as certain legends go, the pig wanted all the other animals to have full recognition. In other words, the pig didn’t want to steal the thunder from the other animals in the procession of Chinese zodiac animals.

Sign of Boar / Pig in the Chinese New Year of the Pig
The Boar / Pig Chinese zodiac sign is known for its intense honesty. This transparency is distinctly seen in the year of the Pig too. This is a time when long-kept secrets are revealed. This isn’t a bad thing. Under the governance of the Pig, these uncovered truths are cathartic and healing.
The Pig sign is also known to be very loving, affectionate…especially in family situations. These beautiful expressions of devotion influence the year of the Pig too. This is a time to get back in touch with the concept of unadulterated, untainted, pure love. It’s a time to experience virtue, and wonder. A time to reconnect with the child within – erupt in giggles, play in the sandbox, and love with all our hearts. The year of the Pig is a perfect time for Boar / Pig signs to reconnect with family members and with loved ones.
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