Autobiography of a Whale and Whale Messages
Autobiography of a Whale and Whale Messages

Autobiography of a Whale

Last Updated on July 8, 2021 by Avia

If Whales Could Speak…

A few years ago, I started a writing project that told stories as if an animal were speaking its own story in its own words. That’s what an autobiography is all about…telling one’s own tale in the first-person (or first creature in this case) through their own perspective.  The project went bust…time and money ran out, but I believe whale messages still warrant publishing. This autobiography of a whale is a part of the project.

The whale tells a tale of great connection and insight. There is some swimmingly good wisdom from the whale and if the whale is appearing in your life, there are reasons for its presence.  If the whale could speak to you directly, what would it say to you? Straight from the whale’s mouth to your heart…. Here are some ideas about what the whale might say to humanity if it could speak our language…

Autobiography of a Whale and Whale Messages
Autobiography of a Whale and Whale Messages

Autobiography of a Whale
Potential Whale Messages
in First-Person

“My dear humans, first off, please resist calling some members of our whale clan ‘killers’.  Let’s get one thing clear: Like all creatures on this earth, we kill for survival. Sometimes we kill to escape entrapment. But to be sure, we whales kill with a clear instinct to live.  I think that’s a crucial concept for humans to ponder. You humans kill too – for pretty much the same reasons we do.  Fact is, the whole universe is based on ‘alive’ and otherwise. Even stars live and die, killed by the progression of time.

Whale Messages About Communication

How do I know this? Because my whale kind and I are highly skilled at sensory perception. We communicate in unique ways. We also receive communication in unique ways. We speak through song, and I think all of existence was created with song. It’s about resonance, harmony and cohesion.

This makes me ask humans: How do you communicate? How do you express your feelings to others? It’s worth thinking about.  Every living thing is capable of communicating.  We whales encourage you to create a song that communicates acceptance, passion, understanding, and love.

Autobiography of a Whale and Whale Messages
Autobiography of a Whale and Whale Messages
Whale Messages About Echolocation

Speaking of song, my whale messages to you would be incomplete if I didn’t mention our mode of transportation. Specifically, how we get around in this world.  We do it with song…err, well sonar (also known as echolocation).  My voice bounces off stuff in the sea, and helps me and my herd migrate effortlessly through the expansive waters we traverse.

So what’s this got to do with you? Well, in a way, you can echo-locate your destination too.  Your method is just a little more internal.  I mean, you’re not going to find your car keys by bellowing out a high pitch noise. But what you CAN do is echolocate with your mind. You can communicate with the universe, with your higher mind, with whatever that you connect with that is powerful and divine.  Doing this is a form of obtaining spiritual guidance. I guarantee you, there is higher energy out there, and it is not inert, or unfeeling. It cares about what you have to say. So speak! Sing!

You can also echolocate to find your way to achieving your goals and dreams. Speak positively, and believe in your own voice. Sing your way to your desired outcome. This is just as vital as speaking to a higher spirit.

My fellow whales know tons about communication. It is a marvelous gift all creatures have. You have an extraordinary advantage when you communicate with unity, peace, and expectation that your song will lead you where you want to be. Thanks for reading my whale story. My kind and I hope you gained wisdom from our autobiography of a whale.


Your Whale Friends

Autobiography of a Whale and Whale Messages
Autobiography of a Whale and Whale Messages

Of course, as the author (Avia), I’m anthropomorphizing here…conjuring up potential whale messages if it could indeed speak to humans. Nevertheless, after spending time with whales, and seeking their wisdom, I’d like to think this autobiography of a whale is worth merit and pondering. I hope you find it helpful in your quest for wisdom.

Mighty brightly,

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