Last Updated on September 1, 2023 by Avia
August holds a lot of opportunities for all the signs of the zodiac. It is also a month that asks us to make some compromises to realize our hopes, dreams and goals. Well, that’s every month, if you think about it – right? For sure, every day, month and year is flavored with unique challenges and happy victories. However, I think you’ll be particularly intrigued by these August horoscope forecasts by Avia. As always, I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!

You’re the one holding all the keys while everybody you’re around has locked doors. You’ll be called upon to open these doors for others because you have all the resources. Ironically, this position of provider might make you a bit insensitive to others. It’s not that you really feel that way – it’s just that you have so much new responsibility to your tribe. You might be struggling with your own issues of time, balance, doling out resources properly, and effectiveness. It’s not always easy to be the master of the house, but rest assured, all the resources you need are available. You’re sitting pretty to get some amazing work accomplished. Just ride the wave in August.

You’ve been standing between two opportunities and August is going to give you some sign or illumination on which direction is most advantageous for you. Pay particular attention to the new moon on the twentieth of this month. This time will give you enhanced clarity. Overall, August will feel like a calm month for you. You’ll also have an opportunity to settle a few disputes you’ve had with coworkers this month. Make absolutely sure you take some time for yourself this month. Get in your garden, get outside, be with nature – it will renew you and blow out the cobwebs in your head.

August will find you gathering up that brilliantly creative intellect you have and focusing it in one direction. Where you might typically be flitting from one project to the next (you’re so full of magnificent ideas), this month will see you pouncing on one idea in particular and riding it to the finish line. This will be good for you. You’ll want to incorporate some creative strategies to make this idea come into reality – which is no problem for you. Seeing this project through to completion is also going to win some positive attention for you. Onlookers will see the great job you’ve done, and this will open up new opportunities for you.

You’ve put yourself under a lot of pressure lately. And, you’ve been way too self-critical. Now is the time to give yourself a break and begin the process of self-love. Be aggressive about loving yourself. Take the time to pamper yourself. Moreover, recount all the wonderful things you’ve done and note all your accomplishments. Make a list of all the compliments you’ve received. Build up an inventory of evidence showing what a remarkable person you are. You forget what an amazing influence you are on others. Start remembering. August will have you waking up to your own importance. Keep your focus on your value!

August finds you exactly where you love to be: In the center of attention and setting proudly amongst the pride. Your mind is clear about what you need to do to overcome a hurdle at work. This clarity will drive a crystal sword through dissonance and chaos – and point you right in the direction of solutions and clear understanding about situations at work. Order is coming together at home too, and it feels like a new regime is taking over the household. It’s a good new regime too. If you’re uncomfortable with the changes this presents, just lay low until the new moon (8/20) and your powers of persuasion will be more effective – you can make the changes you require then.

You’ve acquired quite a following. People, projects, even animals have been finding their way to you and now you have a flock to care for. In fact, that’s why all these things, people and/or creatures have been coming to you – because they know you will care for them and minister to the needs of their hearts. This is all great, except sometimes you get a bit overwhelmed. August is going to put the wind beneath your sails and the pep back in your step. You will receive a clear vision about how to lead your people to begin relying on themselves a bit more. August will empower you to minister to your beloved followers, while enabling them to see their own power and value. It will be an extremely rewarding time for you. Helping the weak is your forte, but helping them to find their own solutions will make you feel like a million bucks.

Whatever had you conflicted in April will begin to unravel this month. As a matter of fact, a lot of unraveling will be taking place for you in August. Legal matters will be shifting for you, and new solutions will come to the surface. Work struggles will loosen a bit this month too and you’ll be able to get a breath of fresh air. August will see you in a position to relax a bit more because of the efforts you made to put things in order in the beginning of the year. Be aware of your tendency to rest on your laurels. Sure, things are getting oiled up and running smoothly – but you still need to drive on to your destination. Don’t fall asleep at the wheel. Keep your eye on the prize (your destination/goal).

You probably already do this, and if you don’t – you should be. Use your dreams to help you find meaning about yourself and the world around you. Now more than ever you’re being called to process a lot of unique information. Unordinary circumstances, events and knowledge are coming to you – your dreams will help you process these things more clearly. You have a remarkable gift for sorting out things in unorthodox ways. Your weakness lies in your inability to honor your methods. Somehow you feel because your methods are unusual they are not as effective. Baloney. Embrace your extraordinary methods of gaining understanding. Let your oddities serve you. August is going to be the perfect time to help you honor the unusual ways you come to conclusions – and so – this is also going to be an easier time for you to act on your knowledge too.

It’s not easy being you. Others see you and think about what a charmed life you live. Your view is quite a bit different. You’re always looking for more, looking just over the horizon for something else, going beyond, moving higher, seeking the next adventure. This month will shore you up a bit. You’ll still wander, but you’ll be more reserved about it. Certain influences in your life will cause you to stabilize more, maybe even stick to home base and abstain from wandering around (mentally and physically) as much. You’re going to have to make some judgment calls too. August will be a time for contemplation as you make choices that will majorly impact you down the road. Keep that renegade, high-spirit of yours while you make these choices. You’ll want to be light-hearted this month as you move your way through some interesting changes.

August is going to prepare you to receive a new education which you will embark upon and will last throughout the rest of this year and into the next. Although I do see traditional education starting up for you, the kind of learning I’m most interested in is the type that allows you to see the connection between your thoughts, actions and how these influence the lives of others. You’re already a pro at seeing the big picture of how things work, but August will show you more clearly how you can enable or facilitate. A key of knowledge will be passed on to you this month, giving you some amazing clarity into your impact on those around you. You’re going to see how you’ve helped or hindered those around you with your thoughts and actions. This is quite an education, especially for those of you who get sucked dry by needy people. You’re going to learn how to help these people without sacrificing yourself.

August will bring about circumstances that will have your authority challenged. There’s nothing to worry about, you’re still on top of your game. But, people and work situations will be dragging on you. You’ll feel drained by these circumstances and people. You’ll keep your sea-legs though, and you’ll whip out your amazing knack for creative thinking to see you out of sticky situations. Just make sure you have your facts straight, and don’t play the martyr. Be brave, stick to your guns, and follow your personal truth. You will come out on top if you do so. You’ll also be supporting the “hanger’s on” because as a philanthropist, you tend to do this naturally anyway.

August is going to explode with new creative ideas for you. You’re going to be on an artistic journey that will rock your world. You’re going to feel electrified with the new projects and ideas shooting your way. Just don’t get too far ahead of yourself. Focus on the goals you want to achieve, and then take these new ideas and incorporate them into your strategy for life. Some ideas you’re going to have to discard – but don’t erase them from your memory. In fact, I would encourage you to keep a recording device (or notebook) with you because you’ll want to capture all this great creative energy. Write down all these amazing ideas. The ones you don’t use now may come in handy in the future!
Final Thoughts on Your Horoscopes for August
Of course, these are just insights I’ve gathered through forecasting into August horoscope potential for all of the zodiac signs. What you do with these observations is completely up to you. Furthermore, every step you take can make amazing changes – so don’t let these or any horoscopes (tarot readings, or any type of interpretive services from others) for August ever lock you into a fixed mindset. Your destiny is ultimately your responsibility. So make it a great one! As always, thanks for reading!
Mighty brightly,

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