Last Updated on August 7, 2024 by Avia
Hello all, astrology for April is looking mighty fine. Symbolically, this month is about renewal. That’s great – but the thing about renewal and springtime vibes is it takes some shaking up before the fruit falls from the tree. In other words, you might expect a little erratic energy flowing through your astrology sign for April before you see the good stuff. It’s just the nature of the celestial alignment this month. It’s also the nature of the springy month of April. So if things feel like they’re sliding off course, don’t fret. Things can turn around in a blink. I hope you enjoy this April astrology report!

April will have you saying “Show me the money!” Well, at least you’ll be shown more of the finer things in life this month. April sees you basking in an opulent glow. This is your month for moving into a state of financial transformation. You’ll need to help your metamorphosis along by manipulating the right mental gears. Some of the cogs of your belief system have been rusty (or worse, stuck completely). If you want the lovely treasures I see coming to you in April, you’ll have to spray some spiritual WD-40 on your thoughts. Lube your mental grooves. In other words, drop the stinkin’ thinkin’ and start focusing on the positive aspects of your life. Your luck is going to change for the month of April no matter what you do. I’m just offering you this advice because I know the good stuff will come to you better, brighter and bolder if you use that Aries determination to focus yourself on the positive.

Something unpleasant is stuck in your craw, and however long you keep it stuck there is exactly how long you’re going to endure discomfort. Your astrology for April will imply a time of processing for you. Use this month to really observe your behaviors and how your own energy affects those around you and your environment. It’s going to feel like you’re stuck, and it may be that you are. I’m telling you to be self-aware and adjust accordingly. Because doing so will cause that feeling of being bound will ease up or diminish completely. Breathe, and try to relax into the situation. Also, pay attention to health concerns this month. Be kind to your body. Consider these next few weeks as a time of renewal to regenerate yourself and your mind. Your tendency will be to get bound up in a self-defeating pattern of thought. That pattern tends to bleed throughout your whole life. Don’t be so bull-headed that you won’t allow yourself to grow out of a place of limitation. Find balance where you can, and do your best to drop whatever is nagging you.

April will have you seeing so many opportunities laid out before you, you’re head is going to spin. You’ve been waiting for the revolutions of time to move to your advantage. Now is the time. You’ve got the home-team advantage, so play like you mean it. And don’t let your judgment be clouded by what you think you “should do.” The kind of opportunity knocking on your door in April requires you to feel the choice. You’ll want to mentally pick apart the pros and cons of accepting a decision. I’m telling you to try feeling your way through the process. Get in touch with your gut feelings – center yourself in your body and find the sun of wisdom glowing brightly in your core. That sun will light the path for healthy and wise choices. Who am I kidding, I know you’re still going to tackle your options with your mental acuity – you’re sharp as a tack – that’s what you do. Just know opportunities like the ones you’ll see in April require the participation of your full (feeling) self for maximum fulfillment.

Get ready to start working. If you’ve been out of work, April is going to see you gaining new contracts, jobs and employment. It’s not going to fall out of the sky and right into your lap though. You’ve got to prepare yourself. You’ve been in a bit of an emotional stupor lately, and you’re going to have to roust yourself out of that daze. Further, you’re going to have to get ready for some major labor. April is going to see you working your buns off, get ready for it. Think of yourself as a marathon runner. You’re going to have to sharpen your skills, and train yourself in order to get ahead of your competitors. I promise, the hard work and investment will pay off for you. Hammer away at your craft, rise to the top, believe in your skills, talents and abilities!

April is all about reconnecting with old friends, and even old lovers. If you’ve experienced separations in relationships, and have considered patching things up, now is the time to do it. Be easy about it though. Don’t come on too strong. You’re already bold and charming. I’m asking you to adopt a youthful, ebullient attitude when reconnecting with folks from your past. Better still, incorporate the same light-hearted approach with new people you meet too, because new friends are coming too. Pay attention to the personal connections you make this month. The theme here is “what comes around goes around” the relationships you are developing now are going to make strong impacts for you later this year. Let these partnerships grow at their own pace – be easy about it – no reason to forge or hammer things into place. These connections will unfold beautifully for you, in their own organic rhythm.

The bad news is you’ve been taking the blame for everybody else’s shortcomings. This has now caught up with you, and you’re finding yourself overburdened with all their problems. Taking responsibility for other people’s negligence has now put you flat on your back. The good news? Now you’re becoming aware of this. Lessons learned. Now it’s time to shirk off all that extra baggage you took upon yourself. Drop it like a lead balloon. I realize it’s easier said than done – people count on you, and you feel responsible. Thankfully, April will open up some opportunities for you to bow out of entanglements in an easy, delicate way. This month is also going to see you opening up more spiritually. Let your emotions (good and bad) bubble up to the surface a bit more. It’s okay to express yourself. Just like the flowers need to push out above the soil – your emotions need to come out from their dark depths too. And, I don’t have to tell you to be mindful of how your emotions affect others. You already know, and you’ll act appropriately.

You’re going to have an epiphany this month that’s really going to put you on the cutting edge in your career/vocation/business. Pay close attention to your business model and mission statement. What is your work motto? Revisit this foundational concept and keep it in your focus. If you don’t have a mission statement for your vocation, make one. April astrology is going to ask you to balance your budget and balance your life. Such a simple sentence for such hugely impactful actions. As you go about your balancing, you’re going to see life situations moving in your favor. This is an optimal time for clearing out the garbage and inviting in the goodness you deserve. And as far as that epiphany goes, you’ll need to be open to it. That’s why I’m encouraging balance and clearing out superfluous stuff. This will get your channels of perception clear and open to a new idea that will illuminate your path for the next six months.

Thrust yourself into the position of your choosing. Now is the time to make some bold moves in the direction of your highest advantage. The projects you were working on at the beginning of the year are revisiting your awareness. What you started then is making a comeback, and April astrology will see you re-launching a few ideas you thought got chopped on the drawing board. Let your creativity be your guide in the projects you are working on. April is going to see you getting really innovative and artsy. Embrace that wild side of yours. Let that passion drive you. It’s going to make you stand out of the crowd. And speaking of that, stop following the herd! You’re the leader, and now is the time to break out of conformity. Break out of the typical. Actually, you’re a radical anyway, so just be yourself!

You’ve been pushing again. Often your pushing gets you into trouble, but this time – it’s a good thing you worked as hard as you did these past few months because April is going to yield big-time rewards for your hard work. In fact, I’m not surprised if this month brings you the jackpot. Make some room for some mighty good news in terms of wealth and health. Just do me a favor, and try to keep your modesty. No bragging rights here. Accept your bounty with grace and humility. Also, familiarize yourself with this statement “my external treasure matches my internal value.” That means, the good fortune you receive is a direct result of the treasure within your heart and soul. Keep that in mind. Pay attention to the concept of value. The value received is equal to the value given. That’s going to be made extremely clear to you this month.

You have one major issue you are tied to, and you always want to take action to make things work out well. I feel like there is a particular partnership you’re embroiled in, and I’m sorry to tell you Capricorn, no amount of action on your part is going to bring about a solution. That’s hard to hear, I know. You are so effective at fixing things. Everybody looks to you to come to the rescue, and you’re usually amazingly successful at finding resolutions. This partnership will not yield to your will. My advice? Step away. Surrender your will to the situation and try to roll with the flow as best you can. Realize these events have been rolling on the waves of time long before you came onto the scene, and the situation is going to play out exactly as it is designed to. No amount of effort from you will change it, so you may as well take yourself off the hook. Suspend your need to rescue. It’s going to be okay, just step away, and let nature take its course.

April astrology might have you dealing with some legal matters. It’s tax time in the US, perhaps that’s going to need extra attention from you this year. If you’re embroiled in a legal affair, this month will see a conclusion to it. Also, you’ll be climbing the stairs to more organized and structured matters this month. As you move into a more balanced awareness, I invite you to adopt a triad of intentions. Identify three inner attributes you value the most. These can be traits you would like nurtured within you, or enhanced. For example, a triad of inner intention might be “focus,” “compassion,” and “humor.” Draw out a triangle and write your three attributes on each side, then use the triad as a concentration tool. This exercise engages your intellect while offering you creative (visual) stimulation – the end result will see your triad of intentions coming into the forefront of your life. This kind of balanced (right and left mind) thinking will really enhance your progress this month.

Your waters naturally run very deep, but this month you might have a tendency to swim out way too far. Nobody’s going to want to follow you either, so don’t look to others to come to the rescue. If you’re prone to bouts of emotional down-spirals or depression, call yourself on it. Make preparations to counteract those propensities. Forewarned is forearmed. April astrology is about getting you to be more accountable for your thoughts and fears. Issues are going to surface from your past that may make you want to submerge yourself into the watery depths that feel so comfortable to you. Don’t go so deep that you can’t find your way back to the light that shines so brilliantly within and around you. Surround yourself with people who love you. Inundate yourself with visual, audio, and tactile representations that remind you of how wonderful life is. Stay reminded of how magic and beauty are offered up to you in every moment of your day.
The Last Word on Astrology for April
I hope these April astrology insights prove helpful to you as you go through the month. If you like this, you may also like Power Animals of April, here. As always, thanks for reading!
Mighty brightly,

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