Last Updated on January 26, 2021 by Avia
Animal Symbolism: Squirrel Tracks
Squirrel Tracks and Meanings in Animal Symbolism: Don’t laugh! Squirrel tracks have meaning too! Animal symbolism goes deep, and even something seemingly insignificant as squirrel tracks can lead us on a path of profound understanding. So, when I came across squirrel tracks this morning, I started to ruminate on the various symbolic meanings of the squirrel (and its trail of tracks) could mean for me.
Perhaps this symbolic evaluation will help you the next time animal tracks present themselves to you.
We know that squirrel animal symbolism deals with is rich with meaning. Here are a few symbolic tips to the squirrel:
A Few Symbolic Squirrel Meanings
- Play
- Energy
- Preparation
- Resourcefulness
But what does this mean in relation to leaving tracks?
I chose to look to the symbolism of the compass for guidance. I got this idea because I could tell from the squirrel tracks moved from from west to east. In my case, this direction indicates a move in the future (present or past moving into future time).
Depending upon which culture from which you are reciting, this direction can mean a few different things.
“Nature always leaves an impression.”

From a Native American perspective, west represents a conclusion, and east speaks of ascension. A sign my squirrel is telling me all my hard work (energy) will be moving into a conclusion of enlightened heights? Let’s hope so.
From a zodiacal perspective west holds the sign of Scorpio, water and emotions. East is the realm of Taurus, earth and grounding. In this case, perhaps the squirrel is telling me to prepare myself emotionally for a grounding event coming up in the future.
I rather like the message of the squirrel combined with the Celtic symbolic directionals. This indicates that my preparations (symbol of the squirrel) are setting into motion (west) a path of grand new beginnings (east).

You can do this same kind of ‘ciphering with your animal tracks.
Determine what critter is leaving you signs, and which direction in which it is traveling. Then determine which symbolic meanings are most fitting for your life situation, and begin to gain guidance just as I did in this exercise.
It’s a fun way to gain new perspectives on your life situation, as well as make a strong connection with Mother Nature.
Go to Animal Symbolism of the Squirrel here.
I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on squirrel track meanings. Be sure to check out the links at the end of this page for more articles on animal symbolism, as well as tips on identifying animal track symbolism in general. Thanks for reading, and happy symbolic-tracking.
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