Last Updated on September 3, 2023 by Avia
Akashic Record Meaning
Simplifying Akashic record meaning. This concept is not the easiest nut to crack. Let’s start with the meaning of the word. The term Akashic is Sanskrit for aether (aka: ether). Ether, in the spiritual sense, is the essence that dwells beyond our physical reality. Some schools of thought believe ether (Akasha) is a place located in the higher-most regions above the clouds in the sky. Interestingly, the term Akash is the Hindi word for ‘sky.’ Then again, other gurus attribute the records residing in different planes of existence.
Akashic record meaning is an obscure thing. It is submerged in a sea of opinions from religious scholars, renowned psychics, theosophists and a few crack-pots who have no idea what they’re talking about.
According to The Dictionary of the Esoteric by Nevill Drury, the definition of the Akashic Records is:
“Theosophical concept for an astral memory of all events, thoughts, and emotions that have arisen since the world began.” ~Nevill Drury
That is a swanky way of saying the records are a celestial storage facility for all memory, experiences and potential of every living being for all time.
Avia’s Experience with Akashic Records
Will you allow me to go on a tangent here?
Once upon a time I used to manage a storage facility. 300+ units holding people’s stuff. That storage facility was kinda like the Akashic records. How so?
Each unit held people’s treasures, their memories, their history. Some units held people’s future too. For example, a friend of mine kept a unit to protect a classic car he was working on; he planned on burning the road with it one day when he completed repairing it.
So imagine an infinite number of storage units holding all memories, all experiences and all futures for all living beings. That’s Akashic record meaning in a nutshell.
Regrettably, it’s not that simple when it comes to these weighty concepts…it never is.
Rather than storage units, most scholars agree the Akashic records are tomes…big books, if you will. They are stored in a library that is incomprehensibly massive. This library puts the Library of Congress to shame – it is endless, immeasurable.
Each book within this limitless library is a historical document of every being. Each edition is a detailed account of every human’s past, present and future. Each volume documents memory, emotion and experience.

Moreover, these books also contain pure potentials…actions not yet taken, experiences not yet felt. These potentials shimmer in expectation, because the only thing that sets a potential in indelible writing in your Akashic record is choice. Once you make a choice, the potential then becomes a permanent entry in your record.
So where is the library of Akashic records located? In another dimension of course (I told you this stuff is never simple).
This is Madame Blavatsky’s take on Akashic record meaning and its location:
“…Located at the next level called the Fifth Round that is the fifth Element, Ether, which is the gross body of Akasha. As air is familiar to us now [Akasha] is the agent of all things. It is only in this Fifth Round detected with those of higher sense that growth and development of Akasha serves complete expansion.” ~Blavatsky
That’s pretty heavy. Let me lighten the load. Akashic record meaning in Blavatsky’s terms implies Akasha is synonymous with Ether. As such, Akasha is everywhere, pervasive, omnipresent…’like air.’
The Akashic record meaning gets a little more muddled when we consult Edgar Cayce’s opinion on their location. According to Awakening Your Psychic Powers: Open Your Inner Mind And Control Your Psychic Intuition Today (Edgar Cayce Guides), the location of Akasha is in within the human soul. To quote the book:
“He [Cayce] referred to the…Akashic Records as that domain where all memories are stored. He indicated that the soul contains a record of all its experiences, that the soul is built from those experiences. And yet, at the same time, all memories are ‘as One.’ The universal awareness is the consciousness of all those soul memories.” ~E. Cayce
This implies that the soul and spirit are connected to the animating force of life. Call it God, call it the Universe, call it Divine Spirit…it is the unifying power that is both the glue and lubricant for all existence.
Tips to the Meaning of Akashic Records
♦ Are the records real? That’s conjecture. Meaning, there is tons of information on the existence of Akasha, but there is no hard evidence it exists for real. Many theosophists and psychics are absolutely convinced of its existence. Furthermore, experts claim the Akasha can be accessed. Yep, like checking out a book from the library – but on a grandly divine, universal scale.
♦ Is there a way to access Akashic records? Yes and no. If you doubt the existence of the records, then there’s no point trying to check out your book from the Akashic library. If, however, you believe in such a phenomenal data-bank of all human existence, then you can absolutely obtain your library card and enter the grand halls of Akasha.
♦ Can we view other people’s records? Some scholars believe so. Edgar Cayce healed hundreds of people by accessing their records in the Akasha. Some psychics claim to do the same. In truth, I’d rather not elucidate on this question. Each record is extremely private, and to access someone else’s Akashic record without express permission, is a spiritual abomination….one that is unforgivable both in the physical and the non-physical realms.

Closing Thoughts About Akashic Record Meaning
In my experience, I gained access after six months of research into the Akasha record meaning combined with an equal amount of intense meditation. Yep. Daily, for six months I endeavored to reach the ‘Hall of Remembrances’ (as Cayce puts it).
Did I make it? Yes. Conclusion? Magnificent insight. Did this experience change my life? No. The knowledge guided me – but I’m still human. I’m still going to make crappy choices, no matter how illuminating my Akashic experiences were.
Did I learn my future from tapping into my Akashic records? Yeah, sort of. As mentioned, the book resonates with pure potential. There are some future possibilities written in my book. But it seemed to me, my future is written in pencil….the writing was faint…whereas my past was in permanent ink. This tells me my future is not set in stone. It tells me that my choices are key to erasing the future written in pencil, and creating a better future written in pen.
Your experience with the Akasha may be completely different than mine. As with all things spiritual and ethereal…this stuff is linked to the soul. Every soul is unique, so therefore you’re spiritual journey will offer you different insights than mine.
In the end, the choice to believe is yours. Don’t take my views as the ultimate answer. I strongly encourage you to do your own research, and make your own decisions.
I hope you have enjoyed this article on Akashic record meanings. As always, thanks for reading.
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